Thursday 30 August 2012

Niche Expert Book Gifts - YouTube - Get your free gifts and bonuses.

The Niche Expert - Harness to power of the internet to attract your perfect clients, publicity and opportunities.

If you don't have an effective online presence for your business you're going to want to pay attention to every word in this book. Whether you want to start or develop an internet based business or just want to attract your perfect clients and publicity online for your traditional business, there's no doubt that entrepreneurs and business owners must embrace the 'new rules and new tools' of the internet age or risk being trampled under the 'cyber' foot.

In this step by step guide to building an effective social media and automated online marketing system you'll discover exactly how to:
* Plan and create a strong foundation for your internet empire
* Identify your perfect niche
* Create multiple streams of income by simply giving your clients what they must have to succeed
* Create your magnetic expert brand
* Use the new rules and tools that will establish you as an expert in your niche * Create compelling copy for the internet
* Set up your authority blog and website
* Build your database and attract hot prospects
* Convert prospects into clients and sales with the gentle close
* Set your marketing on auto-pilot so your business works without you
* Implement your Social Media Strategy in less than 30 minutes per day
From the Author
I was inspired to write 'The Niche Expert' because I could see just how much confusion and overwhelm business owners are experiencing when trying to figure out how to use all the new tools online. Everything has changed and entrepreneurs that don't embrace new media will sadly be left behind.
In this book I've laid out exactly what to do to stand out online with my simple and easy to implement step by step system that I wish I'd had when I got started.

Even if you're very busy you'll be able to follow this and create your effective internet presence so don't put it off another day because marketing is important!


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