Wednesday 29 August 2012

A Toddler's Understanding of Pregnancy | Family and Life in Las ...


There are times when I still don?t understand pregnancy fully, so I can?t imagine what the thought process is like for a toddler.

It is certainly not easy for a toddler to understand that mommy has a baby in her belly, and that baby will be his little brother, but Squishy is working on it.

So far he has spent countless hours asking questions about baby and the pregnancy like:

?Does baby like cars or trucks??

?Does baby like yellow or green??

?How will the baby come out of mommy?s belly??

?Does baby like apples or bananas??

?Does the baby always sleep in your belly??

?Are you eating that (food) or is the baby??

?Does baby like Dinosaurs or Monsters??

He has threatened to put his baby brother in time out for kicking.? As we are now at the age where learning it is not okay to hit or kick when we are frustrated or mad, we now call baby kicks dancing or moving.

He has asked if he can teach baby how to play with cars, trucks, and build blocks.

He has offered to share his bunny with baby.? (FYI ? Bunny is a highly respected member of our family.)

When he was little we would tell him we could see what he ate in his belly by looking through his belly button.? Now he insists that he can see baby through my belly button.? I don?t so much mind, except for the unexpected belly baring when we are out in public and he runs up to see baby.

He has gotten mad at me for not letting baby out of my belly.? (Usually this occurs after watching a TV show like Dora where she becomes a big sister.)? He thinks this baby should come on his time.? Little does he know?

But by far and away the best conversation I have had with my son about his baby brother took place at 3:30 am the other night when he came into bed with me.

Me: K you have to start spending the whole night in your bed.

K: Why?

Me: Because pretty soon Daddy will be home, and then baby brother will be sleeping in here at night

K: Can?t baby brother walk with me to our rooms?

Me: No honey, baby brother won?t be able to walk when he is born.

K: So he is a throwing baby?

Me: No, we don?t throw baby we carry him.? His little legs don?t know how to walk when he is born.


Me: (Laughing) Oh, yes he has legs, but he isn?t strong enough to use them yet.? You didn?t walk when you were born either.


Me: Yes, you had legs.? Maybe we should go to sleep now.

K: Okay mama!! Night.? Night baby.

He is so sweet and curious about this baby growing in his mommy?s belly.? His questions are pretty smart for a toddler if you ask me! I think overall he will do okay with being a big brother.? He doesn?t get upset when I hold my friends children, and is really gentle with littler kids.? I love all his questions and reasoning.

"Big Brother" "Being a Big Brother" "Becoming a Big Brother" "Siblings"

In 14 weeks and counting he will get his wish and finally get to see his baby brother.

Hopefully he won?t try to throw him!

GHTime Code(s): nc?nc?

Related posts:

  1. 6 Tips for a Healthy Pregnancy | Pregnancy Fitness Giveaway
  2. 20 Week Baby Bump Pregnancy Update!
  3. Pregnancy Update ? Baby at 12 weeks!
  4. Pregnancy Update: 16 weeks and growing!


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