Saturday 11 August 2012

Ba Hons CG Arts & Animation @ UCA Rochester Course Blog ...

This is a message for years 2, 3 & our loyal alumni. ?In just a matter of days, I'll be introducing the blogs of our newest CGAA recruits on here. ?As per, I'll update with new blogs as I receive their respective urls, so watch for this 'New' logo on the group blog, and when you see it, do the decent thing: follow them, welcome them, and let's see if we can get the next generation over those inevitable bumps in the road as soon as humanly possible. ?

You know how it is when you first arrive - new to blogging, new to embedding, new to pretty much everything. ?It's a daunting mind-fry of a time, so anything you can think of from your own experience that you can pass on, please do. ?Be friendly, be welcoming, be professional, be a life-coach! :)

Watch this space: for some, September 2012 is already here....

PS - okay, so the whole mentoring thing was a bit hit and miss last year - but I'm really keen to start it up again, so I'm looking for willing participants from year 2 and year 3 students. ?Your experience re. blogging etiquette , time-management, branding and self-promotion, ?academic writing, use of Scribd, embedding video content, Making of docs etc. is invaluable - particularly in Semester 1. ?So, if you're interested in a short, intense period of mentoring, which would see you over-seeing a small group of blogs and life-coaching, please leave a 'yes' comment below. ?Many thanks and I hope you're all enjoying the summer.


menorah chanukah chanukah david archuleta david archuleta hobbit trailer greenhill

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