Wednesday 8 August 2012

homebook: a shower for baby boy

I could kick myself for forgetting to pack my nice camera over the weekend. All I have are iphone photos of the cutest baby shower in history.

My sweet mom and sisters threw me my first baby shower over the weekend. They had been planning and working and baking and creating for weeks. It meant so much to me when I walked into my parents' backyard on Sunday morning and saw everything they had worked so hard on. They planned a small dessert party for just family, and it was darling. A party destined for me, with striped straws and mini cheesecakes and a sunshiny day with a breeze just breezy enough to keep my makeup from melting off, which was something I worried about. The picture above is of my mom and my sisters Lizette and Liesl, with me and the bump. Aren't they wonderful? My oldest sister was at home in Nebraska that day, but she called and texted all day--we missed you Gretel! They all pitched in and bought me the Moses basket I registered for, before?I registered for it. So not only are they beautiful, but they also have fantastic taste. Naturally.

Now Ryan and I are back in our tiny apartment surrounded by pastel tissue paper and cardboard boxes and packs of diapers. Two more boxes of goodies and a crib are scheduled to arrive in the mail this week. We're feeling very blessed and loved . . . and slightly overwhelmed. There's so much stuff. It's taking over.

Anyway, here's a big hug for my family from Ryan, baby boy, and me. I love you guys! XOXO.


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