Friday 31 August 2012

Ivory Coast: Gbabgo official sentenced to 6 months

ABIDJAN, Ivory Coast (AP) ? An Ivorian prosecutor said a top member of former President Laurent Gbagbo's political party was sentenced to six months in prison Friday after being found guilty of disturbing public order.

Laurent Akoun, secretary-general of the Ivorian Popular Front, was arrested Sunday for comments he made about current President Alassane Ouattara. Noel Dje Enrike Yahau said Akoun had publicly called Ouattara "a liar" and "accused the president of wanting to kill Gbagbo."

The comments came not long before a series of seven attacks against Ivory Coast military positions began throughout the country.

Government and military officials have accused Gbagbo allies of involvement in the attacks, a charge they have denied. The Gbagbo has protested the mass arrests of its members in the wake of the attacks.


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A Holiday Special From A Special Father: Names - Jerry R. Giuliano

For a while now, I?ve been begging my dad to write a post for my blog.

The son of Italian immigrants, my father grew up speaking neighborhood English. When I was a young girl, to better himself he went back to college to study English, so he could improve his speech and writing skills. Soon after, he began writing his company?s newsletter. Writing became a way of life: over the years, he published many articles and he wrote wonderful poems for each of us on our birthday. His love of writing, his enthusiasm and commitment, inspired me; I wanted to be like him.

As I got older and embarked on my own writing journey, he supported and encouraged me?and today I am proud to say that he is my biggest fan. I?m pleased and honored to present his amazing story, ?Names.? Enjoy!!


by Jerry R. Giuliano

A few days ago, I was in the car twisting the radio dial when I heard a DJ announce, ?Here?s an oldie for you; it?s a tune from 1964 by Shirley Ellis; it?s called The Name Game.? She can make a rhyme out of anybody?s name.? Maybe it was the word, oldie, or 1964, that made me pause there long enough to hear, ?Shirley, Shirley, Bo Birley, Bo Nana Fanna, Fo Firley?? I turned it off and started to think about the names that connected me to the past seven and a half decades. Names came quickly; each bringing more names with them; all inspiring thoughts of times, and places stuck in remote creases of my mind.

There was a time I thought everyone, in the world, was named Zia or Zio? ?Italian words for Aunt and Uncle. At the time, I was about two feet tall and, I thought, people around me were of three different ages. Some (my friends) were my age, some (my cousins) were 50, and the balance (Zias, Zios, and my parents) were 100.

I was born in 1937, and raised in an area where you were either an Italian immigrant, or the child of parents who were. It was there, and within the first 18 years of my life, that I learned important life lessons, colorful names, and very fond memories, I still easily recall.

After Mom, Pop, and the names of my siblings, I learned about Zias and Zios ? Italian words for aunts and uncles.? ?Let?s go see Zia Maria? or Zia Concetta, or Zio Vincenzo, or Zio Angelo. I had an endless supply of Zias and Zios, and there was always an occasion to visit their home, or have them at ours. If I pointed my mom to someone familiar that I didn?t recognize, and asked who he was, she might say, ?Oh, that?s Zio so and so. At some point, I asked my mother how Zio so and so could be my uncle without being hers, or my dad?s brother. ?Rispetto?, would be the answer.

That?s what Aretha Franklin wanted, and that?s what she asked for ? just a little r ?e ?s ?p ?e ?c ?t.

My mom explained that when someone delivered kindness, you paid them respect. ?So, what did Zio so and so do that was so kind to merit Zio status?, I asked. The answer might be something like this: ?Well, back in the old country, your father?s fourth cousin, married a woman whose grandfather?s daughter-in-law, had a great nephew, who was run over by a herd of sheep stampeding across a dirt road in the valley of two mountains. Zio so and so lived on the other side of the mountain 18 kilometers away. There were no means of transportation, except by foot, over the mountain. That man went to the funeral; that?s why he deserves your respect, and that?s why you should call him, Zio. That may be a slight, lapsed time, age adjusted, small exaggeration.

Sons of Italy 1949

My neighborhood was like Cheers. It was a place where everybody knew your name. While the land area was small, it was fairly heavily populated with rows of homes on the central streets, and duplex homes along the periphery. ?Altogether, the neighborhood contained more than a few hundred families and, likely, thousands of individuals. The majority of elders migrated from Southern Italy, and the regions of Campania, Puglia, Basilicata, Calabria, and Sicily, during the early 1900s. They came for a new and better life in America. They came to labor hard on the roads and rails, and in the factories of our town. Most of them settled, lived their lives, raised their families, and died in the same neighborhood.

It took years to learn the names of my Zias, Zios, relatives, and friends in my neighborhood universe, there were so many.

Traditionally, Italians named their 1st?son after the father?s father and, the 2nd?son after the mother?s father. The 1st?daughter was named after the father?s mother and the 2nd?daughter after the mother?s mother. That sounds reasonable, but since there are a limited number of Italian names, it wasn?t always easy to separate, and attach names to so many faces.

Besides brothers and sisters who lived in other towns, my parents had two siblings that lived in our neighborhood.

Three sets of real aunts and uncles provided me with 13 cousins and, the fourth set outdid all the others combined. All of us lived within three blocks of each other. ?One of my mother?s sisters had 8 children with a guy who already had 8 kids. That meant I had 29 first cousins in the neighborhood. There was a Rosie, Philomena, Mary, Charlie, Louie, Tony, Johnny, Mary, Josie, Philomena, Ralph, Sammy, Nicky, Sammy, Charlie, Tony, Jimmy, Frankie, Johnny, Russ, Louie, Ralph, Joe, Mike, Albert, Theresa, Rose, Philomena, and Dolly.

From the list, you can see there were doubles in just four families, and my family?s names turned some doubles to triples. Because our five families took up most of the good names, and lots of neighborhood families used the same ones, people got creative. Things were very different then and, one could argue, not always very nice, but it was what it was.

Neither sensitivity nor political correctness was a criterion for assigning nicknames. Sometimes, someone?s features were used to create a nickname to differentiate them from others with the same given name. Sometimes, a nickname came from a younger sibling?s mispronunciation of the right one. Occasionally, some logic was applied but, more often than not, a nickname was just goofy? no pun intended.

All the Philomenas were Minnie. One of them was Minnie T, another one was Minnie Reds, and the other was just Minnie. Then there was Theresa the red head, who would never be confused with the other Theresa, or with Minnie Reds, because her nickname was Orange.

One of the boys across the corner was Bidgie; he had a sister Jeeja, and a brother Joonie. Babe lived next door to them. Tickey and Deafie lived next door to me. ?There was another Deafie that lived a few blocks away. He crossed the railroad tracks, every day, with his head buried in his newspaper, no matter what the weather; he did that every day for decades. Then, on a bright, mid- morning, summer day, a train rolled over him.

There was Boobie, Boodie, and Blue? Blue had blue eyes, and Chubby, Creeper, and Dynamite, whose temperament helped in nicknaming him. One family had four boys, a girl, and a surname name with two ?D?s. The boys were all D or DD face to face but, when referring to them, they were Frankie D, Al D, Rosie D, Bobbie D, and Georgie D.

There was a Foot, Giggy, Googoo, Geezie, Gooch, Hooner, and Hunce.

In the 1940?s, there were words, and expressions, that had different meanings than now. Besides slippery, slick meant something really neat, or ?cool?. ?Wow, that?s really ?slick?, was a common expression. My growing up friendships included two Slicks, and one Slicker.

If an attractive, well dressed, ?hot?, young lady passed, she may draw a praiseworthy ?hubba hubba? from ogling boys standing on the corner. Actually, even an especially well dressed, or well-groomed, male friend, might evoke a complimentary ?hubba-hubba?. There was a Hubba in the neighborhood.

In the novel, ?The Godfather?, a little Italian boy went through Customs Processing at Ellis Island, NY. When he went in, his name was Vito Andolini. When he came out, his name was Vito Corleone. Someone, other than his parents, gave him a name that stuck for life. That happens a lot.

My father?s name was Gerardo; everyone called him Jerry. My parents named me Jerry.

On my first day at school, a Nun asked for my name. I said Jerry. She told me I must have been wrong because my surname was Italian, and that Italians named their children after saints, and no saints were named Jerry. She said that it was unlikely I would be a Jerome, Jeremy, or Jeremiah, and that my real name must be Geraldo, Girard, or Gerardo. Therefore, she informed me that, from that moment forward, I was Gerald. We were both right, but not about my name. After 75 years, with the exception of the hours spent in parochial school classrooms, my name has remained Jerry. And, as far as I know, there are still no saints named Jerry. Since we both concluded I would not be the first, we are both right on that account.

If I were named Jerry to avoid being called anything other, it didn?t work. I have been called many things over my lifetime. Some names have been most endearing and some, not so much. Some of my names stem from relationships; like names my children?s friends call me, or names my grandchildren have assigned. While some names have stayed with me for a long time, some have lasted less than a minute. Those fleeting names are usually strung together and shouted in staccato tempo. ?It?s possible those names resulted from my having made a right hand turn after having signaled left for 3 hours or so.

Of the many Lou?s in the neighborhood, there was one whose greeting was always ?hia?. If there were two, or more, people present whenever he joined a group, he always doubled his greeting. He became Louie Hia Hia.

Pigiron was strong, Midge was short, Johnny Mattress had sleepy eyes, Muzzy had a moustache when he was eight years old. I don?t remember why Satch was Satch, but Schoolbag was Schoolbag because he was the only one in the neighborhood who ever had one.

Outside my neighborhood there was a Parker. No doubt his parents thought to give him a name that would separate his from the usual list of boy names of the day. I met him when I was 16, but didn?t know he was Parker until years later. Everyone called him Ace.

There are lots more nicknames born in my neighborhood, but I don?t recall them at the moment. ?I?m pretty sure there was no one nicknamed Bo Nana, Fo Fanna, or Fo Firley when I lived there.


If you love this piece, as I do, please leave a comment?and please consider sharing! Thank you so very much!!

Warmest wishes,



Please note, the views of the post author ? and indeed anyone who guest posts on The Art and Craft of Writing Creatively ? are not necessarily indicative of the views of Terri Giuliano Long and comments are moderated to filter spam/profanity only.
?Censorship always defeats its own purpose, for it creates in the end the kind of society that is incapable of exercising real discretion.?
Henry Steele Commager

Related posts:

  1. Mother?s Day Special: Blinded By Love
  2. Terri Giuliano Long: The Writer
  3. Terri Giuliano Long?s ?Ode to Book Bloggers?
  4. 5 Sure-Fire Ways to Get Rid of Your Daughter?s Dreadful Boyfriend
  5. Finding Balance ? Or Not


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A U.S.-Israel Collaboration in Computer Science

United States-Israel Binational Science Foundation (BSF) [image courtesy BSF].The National Science Foundation (NSF), together with the United States-Israel Binational Science Foundation (BSF), today announced the U.S.-Israel Collaboration in Computer Science (USICCS), which seeks to support collaborative research projects that ?develop new knowledge? in foundational areas of computer science, including the theory of computing and the foundations of software design and systems. In particular, through this program, ?U.S.-based researchers will receive funds from NSF to support travel to Israel to interact with their Israeli counterparts.? Proposals are due by Feb. 1, 2013.

USICCS supports transformative research in the following areas of theoretical computer science and the foundations of software design and systems:


Theoretical Computer Science


The USICCS program supports potentially transformative research projects advancing the design and analysis of algorithms and characterized by algorithmic thinking accompanied by rigorous analysis. Research on algorithms for problems that are central to computer science and new techniques for the rigorous analysis of algorithms are of interest. USICCS supports theoretical research that bounds the intrinsic difficulty of problems to determine the measures of complexity in formal models of computation, classical or new. The goal is to understand the fundamental limits of resource-bounded computation and to obtain efficient solutions within those limits. Specifically, the time and space complexity of finding exact and approximate solutions in deterministic and randomized models of computation is a central concern of the program.


Research on resource usage other than time and space, such as communication complexity and energy cost, is also encouraged. In addition to the traditional sequential computing paradigm, USICCS supports research on the design and analysis of novel algorithms in parallel and distributed models, in particular, in heterogeneous multi-core and many core machines; the computational models and algorithms that capture essential aspects of computing over massive data sets; game theory; and alternative forms of computation and information processing, including quantum computing and biological models of computation.


The program supports research in algorithms needed in all areas, both within and outside computer science. Algorithmic research with applications in databases, information retrieval, machine learning, data mining, natural language processing, networks, communications, operating systems, languages, compilers, and machine abstractions is supported. New techniques for the design and analysis of algorithms in areas such as cryptography, computational geometry, computational biology, game theory and numerical, symbolic, and algebraic computing are appropriate for this program.


Software Foundations


USICCS supports research projects on the science of design, verification, operation, utilization, and evaluation of computer systems through novel approaches, robust theories, high-leverage tools, and lasting principles. Such advances may offer models, methods, languages, logics, novel software artifacts, algorithms to enable new or enhanced functionality, and formal methods and tools for the design, implementation, and verification of computer systems and their applications.


The USICCS program seeks transformative ideas that reformulate the relationship between requirements, design, and evolution of software and software-intensive systems. The program welcomes research projects focusing on program analysis and synthesis, compositionality, verifiability and certifiability of software, as well as research on static, dynamic, functional and non-functional analysis and testing techniques in all stages of the software life cycle. USICCS supports fundamental research on formal and semi-formal methods for the specification, development, and verification of software systems. The program seeks proposals that enhance the applicability, usability, and efficiency of techniques such as model checking, theorem proving, automated decision procedures, static analysis and constraint solving. Research topics involving the semantics, logics, verification, and analysis of concurrent systems are welcome. USICCS supports the entire range of programming language and compiler research, ranging from foundations to design to implementation and application, including new approaches to languages and compilers for parallel and concurrent programming.


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Thursday 30 August 2012

CRYSTAL CRUISES Crystal Cruises soothes mind, body, spirit and ...

Aug 29, 2012

HONG KONG ? Luxury travelers can rejuvenate, reduce stress, improve balance and get motivated in 2013 with Crystal Symphony?s first cruise of the new year, a brand new Experiences of Discovery itinerary through southern Australia. With a Mind, Body & Spirit focus, the luxury cruise to set sail on January 5 from Melbourne to Brisbane will feature health and wellness experts leading complimentary classes and seminars -- appropriate for beginners making a new fitness resolution, or those looking to continue their regimen without missing a beat on vacation.

Guest experts joining Crystal?s own onboard health and fitness specialists include:

? World-class ultra-runner, adventure racer, and Seven Summits mountaineer Marshall Ulrich, sharing experiences and motivational tips.

? Legendary founder of the Tai Chi Institute, Dr. Martin Lee, teaching classes in the ancient discipline.

? Spiritually-inspiring yoga instructor Lisa Goodwin, leading various sessions.

?A Crystal vacation is already one of the ?World?s Best? ways to relax and refresh,? says Chris Corrigall, Crystal?s entertainment manager. ?Adding motivational on-board programming to these beautiful and active destinations seemed like the perfect way to help travelers recover from the holidays and support a wellness focus for the year ahead.?

During the two days in each of the eastern territories? biggest cities -- Melbourne, Victoria; Adelaide, South Australia; Brisbane, Queensland; Hobart, Tasmania; and Sydney, New South Wales -- travelers can further inspire their minds with a day of Aboriginal art or communing with koalas; challenge their bodies by rock climbing Blackman?s Bay or hiking to the top of Sydney Harbor Bridge; or let their spirits soar with an aerobatic G-Force 4 flight.

Crystal offers a bevy of complimentary wellness choices on every voyage, such as dance classes, pro golf lessons, Feng Shui spa and fitness center, personal trainers, Kinesis? strength-training equipment, ?Tour de Cycle? Spinning, Nordic Walking Poles, Walk-On-Water? weighted Walkvests, a 360-degree promenade deck, and dietary-restriction support at each of the vessels? many gourmet dining venues.


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How To Gain Self Esteem To Alter Your Life In A Positive Way

How to gain self esteem is something that thousands of people worldwide are attempting to do. Not everyone understands how to achieve this goal to easily alter your life in a very positive way.

It is very important that you take time today to stop and learn about some of the most effective ways for increasing your self esteem, no matter how young or old you are. The following are the ways that thousands of people everywhere have used to help them build their own self esteem.

1. Know who you are - Before you can effectively increase your self esteem, you have to take time to really get to know yourself. If you don't understand yourself, then others won't be able to relate or identify with you because you can't even relate or identify with yourself.

You have to really get to know you and this includes learning about your strengths and weaknesses. Make a list of what you consider your strengths and weaknesses and then ask a few friends and family members to do the same.

This will help you find out how others close to you view you compared to how you view yourself. Majority of the time you will find that your opinion of yourself is much lower than other people's opinions are about you.

That can benefit you also because it makes you realize that you are a good person and there are many things about you that you should like because others around you do. This is a really big step to take in building your self esteem.

Also, you will learn about areas about yourself that you need to work on to improve so you can become a better and more self confident person.

2. Surround yourself with positive people - One of the biggest things that causes low self esteem is negative thinking, whether it is your own negative thoughts or the thoughts of the people around you. It is imperative that you surround yourself with positive thinking people with high self esteem.

This is going to help you really begin to see yourself in a much more positive light. That will make you realize that you are a person that should feel confident about themselves because you are a good person.

These are only a very small number of the effective ways you can use to build your own self esteem. With this information in mind about how to gain self esteem, you are now ready to begin this positive journey for yourself so you become a more confident and happier person as soon as possible.

Mark Babcock provides simple techniques and tools so you can build self esteem and change your thinking and have a better life. Signup for his free Health, Happiness, and Wellness Newsletter and the report How To Be Your Best Self.


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Niche Expert Book Gifts - YouTube - Get your free gifts and bonuses.

The Niche Expert - Harness to power of the internet to attract your perfect clients, publicity and opportunities.

If you don't have an effective online presence for your business you're going to want to pay attention to every word in this book. Whether you want to start or develop an internet based business or just want to attract your perfect clients and publicity online for your traditional business, there's no doubt that entrepreneurs and business owners must embrace the 'new rules and new tools' of the internet age or risk being trampled under the 'cyber' foot.

In this step by step guide to building an effective social media and automated online marketing system you'll discover exactly how to:
* Plan and create a strong foundation for your internet empire
* Identify your perfect niche
* Create multiple streams of income by simply giving your clients what they must have to succeed
* Create your magnetic expert brand
* Use the new rules and tools that will establish you as an expert in your niche * Create compelling copy for the internet
* Set up your authority blog and website
* Build your database and attract hot prospects
* Convert prospects into clients and sales with the gentle close
* Set your marketing on auto-pilot so your business works without you
* Implement your Social Media Strategy in less than 30 minutes per day
From the Author
I was inspired to write 'The Niche Expert' because I could see just how much confusion and overwhelm business owners are experiencing when trying to figure out how to use all the new tools online. Everything has changed and entrepreneurs that don't embrace new media will sadly be left behind.
In this book I've laid out exactly what to do to stand out online with my simple and easy to implement step by step system that I wish I'd had when I got started.

Even if you're very busy you'll be able to follow this and create your effective internet presence so don't put it off another day because marketing is important!


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Wednesday 29 August 2012

A Toddler's Understanding of Pregnancy | Family and Life in Las ...


There are times when I still don?t understand pregnancy fully, so I can?t imagine what the thought process is like for a toddler.

It is certainly not easy for a toddler to understand that mommy has a baby in her belly, and that baby will be his little brother, but Squishy is working on it.

So far he has spent countless hours asking questions about baby and the pregnancy like:

?Does baby like cars or trucks??

?Does baby like yellow or green??

?How will the baby come out of mommy?s belly??

?Does baby like apples or bananas??

?Does the baby always sleep in your belly??

?Are you eating that (food) or is the baby??

?Does baby like Dinosaurs or Monsters??

He has threatened to put his baby brother in time out for kicking.? As we are now at the age where learning it is not okay to hit or kick when we are frustrated or mad, we now call baby kicks dancing or moving.

He has asked if he can teach baby how to play with cars, trucks, and build blocks.

He has offered to share his bunny with baby.? (FYI ? Bunny is a highly respected member of our family.)

When he was little we would tell him we could see what he ate in his belly by looking through his belly button.? Now he insists that he can see baby through my belly button.? I don?t so much mind, except for the unexpected belly baring when we are out in public and he runs up to see baby.

He has gotten mad at me for not letting baby out of my belly.? (Usually this occurs after watching a TV show like Dora where she becomes a big sister.)? He thinks this baby should come on his time.? Little does he know?

But by far and away the best conversation I have had with my son about his baby brother took place at 3:30 am the other night when he came into bed with me.

Me: K you have to start spending the whole night in your bed.

K: Why?

Me: Because pretty soon Daddy will be home, and then baby brother will be sleeping in here at night

K: Can?t baby brother walk with me to our rooms?

Me: No honey, baby brother won?t be able to walk when he is born.

K: So he is a throwing baby?

Me: No, we don?t throw baby we carry him.? His little legs don?t know how to walk when he is born.


Me: (Laughing) Oh, yes he has legs, but he isn?t strong enough to use them yet.? You didn?t walk when you were born either.


Me: Yes, you had legs.? Maybe we should go to sleep now.

K: Okay mama!! Night.? Night baby.

He is so sweet and curious about this baby growing in his mommy?s belly.? His questions are pretty smart for a toddler if you ask me! I think overall he will do okay with being a big brother.? He doesn?t get upset when I hold my friends children, and is really gentle with littler kids.? I love all his questions and reasoning.

"Big Brother" "Being a Big Brother" "Becoming a Big Brother" "Siblings"

In 14 weeks and counting he will get his wish and finally get to see his baby brother.

Hopefully he won?t try to throw him!

GHTime Code(s): nc?nc?

Related posts:

  1. 6 Tips for a Healthy Pregnancy | Pregnancy Fitness Giveaway
  2. 20 Week Baby Bump Pregnancy Update!
  3. Pregnancy Update ? Baby at 12 weeks!
  4. Pregnancy Update: 16 weeks and growing!


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Audio Video Systems (AVS) Named to 2012 Inc. 5000 List ...

CHANTILLY, VA ? (Marketwire) ? 08/28/12 ? Audio Video Systems (AVS), a design, engineering and systems integration firm, has been named to the sixth annual Inc. 5000, an exclusive ranking of the nation?s fastest-growing private companies. Inc. Magazine ranks AVS No. 2183, moving up an impressive 1,120 spots from last year?s list. This is the third time that AVS has been recognized on the Inc. 5000.

The list represents the most comprehensive look at America?s independent entrepreneurs. In a challenging economic environment, median growth rate of 2012 Inc. 5000 companies remains an impressive 97 percent. The companies on this year?s list report having created more than 400,000 jobs in the past three years, and aggregate revenue among the honorees reached $299 billion.

?We?re extremely proud of this accomplishment, especially moving up so many spots in just one year,? said Peter Barthelson, President and Owner of AVS. ?We are honored to be included alongside such esteemed, high-growth businesses. It?s been a very successful few years for us and I look forward to our continued success. The growth and expansion we are experiencing is a direct representation of our employees and customers working together to achieve great things.?

The 2012 Inc. 5000 is ranked according to percentage revenue growth when comparing 2008 to 2011. To qualify, companies must have been founded and generating revenue by March 31, 2008. Each company had to be U.S.-based, privately held, for profit, and independent ? not subsidiaries or division of other companies ? as of December 31, 2011.

In addition to this honor, AVS has recently received several other prestigious awards. AVS was recognized by UBM Channel as part of the CRN?s 2012 Solution Provider 500 list, which ranks top technology integrators in North America. AVS earned 206 on the annual list, moving up from last year?s ranking of 379. AVS was also named the No. 2 Top Small Technology Company in Washington, D.C. by The Washington Business Journal, making the list seven years in a row. In addition, AVS made Commercial Integrator?s 21 Firms Worth Following list.

Audio Video Systems, Inc. (AVS) is a systems integration firm that specializes in designing, installing and maintaining integrated audio, video and control facilities for a wide variety of environments including command and control centers, SCI and video teleconferencing facilities, classrooms, conference and training rooms, auditoriums and more. AVS? staff is comprised of highly experienced personnel that are proficient in all audiovisual, video teleconferencing and control system technologies. AVS has offices in the Washington, D.C. metro region, Huntsville, Alabama and Honolulu, Hawaii. To learn more about AVS, visit us at

Founded in 1979 and acquired in 2005 by Mansueto Ventures LLC, Inc. is the only major business magazine dedicated exclusively to owners and managers of growing private companies that delivers real solutions for today?s innovative company builders. With a total paid circulation of 710,106, Inc. provides hands-on tools and market-tested strategies for managing people, finances, sales, marketing and technology. For more information, visit

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Whitney Michener
Audio Video Systems


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Progressive insurance defends itself after criticism | Justice News ...

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Home / / Progressive insurance defends itself after criticism 2012-08-28 07:10:04 (GMT) ( - Justice News Flash)

08/28/2012 // West Palm Beach, Florida, US // JusticeNewsFlash // Justice News Flash // (press release)

Virginia ? The Progressive Corp. has reportedly gone on the defense following criticism over purported attempts to avoid making payment to the family of a car crash victim. As reported by the Associated Press (AP), the insurance giant recently released a statement defending itself against backlash surrounding allegations that the company tried to avoid administering a $75,000 payment to the family of one of its clients who had been killed in a car accident. The insurance company was accused of refusing to acknowledge the fault of the other driver in order to avoid the payout. A jury has since deemed the driver negligent.

Jeff Sibel, a spokesperson for Progressive, is quoted by the AP as stating of the jury?s decision, ?This was a complex case, and we felt at the time we had fulfilled our obligations, and that?s why we represented ourselves in court.?

Justice News Flash delivers the latest in Virginia personal injury news.

Media Information:

Address: 215 South Olive Suite 300 W. Palm Beach FL 33401
Phone: 866-598-1315

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Tuesday 28 August 2012

Ex-Somali PM must pay $21 million for alleged torture: U.S. court

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A former Somali prime minister denied diplomatic immunity must pay $21 million in damages to the victims of his alleged torture and human rights abuse, a U.S. federal court ruled on Tuesday.

Mohamed Ali Samantar, who served as Somalia's defense minister in the 1980s and prime minister from 1987 to 1990, agreed in February to not contest the charges and accept liability for any damages against the seven plaintiffs - four individuals and three estates.

The lawsuit, seeking financial damages from Samantar, was filed under the Torture Victim Protection Act in 2004 by a small group of Somalis who said they suffered torture or other abuses in their homeland by soldiers or other government officials under Samantar's general command.

Samantar has lived in Virginia since 1997. Some of the plaintiffs are naturalized U.S. citizens.

The case had been followed closely for its foreign policy implications. Granting immunity could allow foreign torturers in the United States to escape responsibility, human rights groups said.

The seven plaintiffs do not claim that Samantar personally committed the atrocities or that he was directly involved.

But they said the Somali intelligence agencies and the military police under his command engaged in the killings, rapes and torture of civilians, including the use of electric shocks.

A federal judge dismissed the original lawsuit. But a U.S. appeals court reinstated it, ruling the 1976 sovereign immunity law does not apply to individuals. In 2010 the U.S. Supreme Court unanimously ruled that Samantar did not have diplomatic protection from lawsuits.

On Tuesday U.S. District Judge for the Eastern District of Virginia Leonie Brinkema ruled that Samantar owed $1 million in compensatory damages and $2 million in punitive damages to each plaintiff.

Samantar is going through bankruptcy proceedings and does not have to pay any damages until after those proceedings are resolved.

The case is Bashe Abdi Yousuf et al. v. Mohamed Ali Samantar. Case No. 1:04CV1360

(Reporting by Drew Singer; Editing By Howard Goller and Xavier Briand)


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Links to this post - Cygnus: Total Hospital Computing, Charting ...

August 23, 2012

Contact: HHS Press Office
(202) 690-6343

Today, Health and Human Services (HHS) Secretary Kathleen Sebelius announced the next steps in the Obama administration?s work to help doctors and hospitals use electronic health records.

?The changes we?re announcing today will lead to more coordination of patient care, reduced medical errors, elimination of duplicate screenings and tests and greater patient engagement in their own care,? Secretary Sebelius said.

Under the Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health (HITECH) Act, doctors, health care professionals and hospitals can qualify for Medicare and Medicaid incentive payments when they adopt and meaningfully use certified electronic health record (EHR) technology.

More than 120,000 eligible health care professionals and more than 3,300 hospitals have qualified to participate in the program and receive an incentive payment since it began in January 2011. That exceeds a 100,000 goal set earlier this year.

That includes more than half of all eligible hospitals and critical access hospitals and 1 out of every 5 eligible health care professionals.? The program is divided into three stages:

  • Stage 1 sets the basic functionalities electronic health records must include such as capturing data electronically and providing patients with electronic copies of health information.
  • Stage 2 (which will begin as early as 2014) increases health information exchange between providers and promotes patient engagement by giving patients secure online access to their health information.
  • Stage 3 will continue to expand meaningful use objectives to improve health care outcomes.

Today, HHS? Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services and HHS? Office of the National Coordinator for Health IT released final requirements for stage 2 that hospitals and health care providers must meet in order to qualify for incentives during the second stage of the program, and criteria that electronic health records must meet to achieve certification.

The requirements announced today:

  • Make clear that stage two of the program will begin as early as 2014. No providers will be required to follow the Stage 2 requirements outlined today before 2014.
  • Outline the certification criteria for the certification of EHR technology, so eligible professionals and hospitals may be assured that the systems they use will work, help them meaningfully use health information technology, and qualify for incentive payments.
  • Modify the certification program to cut red tape and make the certification process more efficient.
  • Allow current ?2011 Edition Certified EHR Technology? to be used until 2014.

The CMS final rule also provides a flexible reporting period for 2014 to give providers sufficient time to adopt or upgrade to the latest EHR technology certified for 2014.


Last revised: August 23, 2012


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Monday 27 August 2012

Carnival of Retirement: Calculated Risk or ... - My Family Finances


Piano (Photo credit: esc861)

Entrepreneurs frequently need to flex, bend and break the rules of personal finance. Sometimes it means putting up safe assets for a risky investment. At other times an entrepreneur needs to accept a higher total cost to abate short term cash issues. No matter the rule you break, an entrepreneur wants the risk to be calculated. The trouble is that it?s not always easy to separate your entrepreneurship dreams with the cold hard math of reality.

How do entrepreneurs differentiate between calculated risk and foolish mistake?

My wife, Mrs. No Telly No Trouble, has been bitten by my entrepreneurial bug. She wants to start her own private music studio this fall. For years, she has been an elementary school music teacher, but the long 50 mile commute and scheduling changes due from budget cuts has taken its toll. Since she?s started work, we?ve also become parents of two wonderful kids and private teaching will allow her to be more involved in their childhood than working/traveling 11 hours a day. Success means great benefits for my wife and my family.

I?d like to think that we?re making a calculated risk, but I seriously doubt I?m an object voice. What better place to put it to the test than to ask the financial blogging community? What do you think?

Of course, you?ll need a little information to make an assessment. Here?s a rundown of costs, assets and issues surrounding starting a music studio.

As a public school teacher, my wife can take the year off without pay and still go back to her job next year should things work out. It?s nice to know that there is potential income safety net. However, my wife will need to make a decision to leave or return to work 6 months before the start of next year. So while delaying is definitely a plus, it doesn?t leave a lot of room for building up a customer base.

Unfortunately, our finances aren?t as sounds as I?d prefer. Without a second income, we?d get by on emergency savings, but expenses would exceed income. I have full faith that we?d be ok for a year, but a second year would be tight if not impossible.

Luckily, our house can easily be used for a studio, but some investment will be needed. We?ll need to purchase a new piano since our electric is broken and our current piano can no longer hold a tuning. As you can imagine, pianos are costly; between $5,000 and $7,000. Leasing is no longer a common practice among piano stores. If we buy, we?re going to have to get a loan or pay for it out of the emergency fund that is necessary for making up for loss of income.

The school district where my wife works has cut so deep, she?s next in line for unemployment should additional cuts occur next year. In a way, this only increases the need for us to diversify income. However, that safety net we thought could replenish our losses could be nothing more than a mirage.

It?s not all worries and concerns. My wife already has a lead on 10 or more potential students this year. A full studio would be between 40 and 45 students. Few businesses opportunities start with 25% of capacity. Not without buying an existing business anyways.

We also live in an excellent location, where there is strong community interest in music. Additionally, our house is situated on a main road with plenty of commuter traffic. It should be easy to attract notice with little more than a sandwich board sign.

What do you think? Calculated risk or foolish mistake?

John @ Calling the Puts writes Save Money by Learning to Spend Wisely ? The first step to investing is saving, and the key to saving money is learning how to spend it properly.

J Wayne @ All Things Finance writes The True Cost of Car Ownership ? Car ownership costs much more than people think. It?s not just a matter of what you pay each month, but many more factors such as depreciation, insurance, fuel, interest and taxes.

harry campbell @ Your Personal Finance Pro writes Why Borrowing From Your 401k is a Bad Idea ? here aren?t many loans out there that allow you to borrow without a credit check and pay yourself interest, but that?s what a 401k loan does. Sounds pretty awesome right? Well it isn?t all good, and although pundits argue that 401k loans are a good alternative to commercial loans and definitely a better choice than an outright distribution, a 401k loan goes against the whole principle of retirement investing.

Squeezer @ Personal Finance Success writes Dividend basics and important dates to remember ? Dividends are when companies pay shareholders (investors) for owning a portion of the company. Money must be invested by a specific date to earn the dividend.

Darrow Kirkpatrick @ Can I Retire Yet? writes Choosing a Compact RV or Camper for Retirement Travel ? Owning an RV can be a good road to cheaper travel. Nearly 10% of U.S. households own an RV of some sort, and the number is rising. Of households that don?t own an RV, almost 15% express some interest in purchasing one in the future. An earlier article of mine focused on operating costs for using an RV, so here I?m going to discuss some of the issues around the RV purchase decision.

TRL @ The Retired Landlord writes Real Estate Leverage ? Using it to Your Advantage ? Are you wondering what real estate leverage is? Find out the answer and how to leverage your money to build wealth faster without the risk.

Luke @ Learn Bonds writes Emerging Market Debt: Having Your Cake and Eating it Too ? Emerging market debt trades at ? twice the yield of developed country debt and triple the fundamentals.

PITR @ Passive Income To Retire writes Negotiating Your Salary and Benefits ? Find out important career tips and what you can do to negotiate your way to a better job.

Eddie @ Finance Fox writes The Cold Hard Truth On Being a Personal Finance Blogger ? What I Learned In Less Than 2 Years! ? Looking back now at your blogging journey, you can agree with me on this: Being a blogger and blogging is anything but easy.

Tushar @ Start Investing Money writes How Are Stocks Classified? ? Read my article to learn how Stock are classified, and in the process gain a possible new perspective on them.

A Blinkin @ Funancials writes Should I Die This Year or Next Year? ? 2013 Federal Estate Taxes When you?re dealing with a death in your family, the last thing you want to think about is what fraction of the estate goes to the United States government. What?s remarkable is that depending on WHEN you die, that fraction could be significantly higher (or lower).

Passive Income Earner @ The Passive Income Earner writes Is RIM a Good Investment? ? Research In Motion (RIM for short) has been an icon for Canada with their Blackberry but the fierce competition it has faced since Apple came out with the iPhone has challenged their market hold on the smartphone. Not only has Apple taken a bite of their market but so has the Android based smartphones.

A Blinkin @ Funancials writes The Ideal Budget for a Single Guy (Age 24) ? The transition from college student to young professional can be one of the most fun times in your life, but it can also be a time of stress. The increasing inflow can be extremely exciting, but only if it exceeds the increasing outflow. The bills that mom and dad used to cover (without your knowing) are now directed to your mailbox. This article will tell a 24 year old single guy how to budget.

MR @ Money Reasons writes Is A Roth IRA One Of The Best Protection Against High Future Tax Rates? ? With tax hikes more than likely in the future, is a Roth IRA your best protection against the government being able to tax all of your money?

MMD @ My Money Design writes Blogging Tips from All the Dumb Mistakes I Made My First Year ? I made a lot of mistakes within the first year of my blog. Here?s a look back at them and my blogging tips for doing things the right way!

JP @ My Family Finances writes No. You Don?t Need to Buy Life Insurance for Your Children ? Buying life insurance for your children to guarantee insurability is like paying money to protect hypothetical people.

Amanda L Grossman @ Frugal Confessions writes My Advice to a Person Budgeting for the First Time ? Someone asked for my help this past week in creating a budget for their household.

Ted Jenkin @ Your Smart Money Moves writes 4 Tax Law Changes We Need To Make Permanent ? With the presidential election beginning to heat up in America over the next several months, we are all going to hear a lot about income taxes.

Jen @ Master the Art of Saving writes Preparing Our Finances 4 Home Ownership ? By estimating our mortgage and bills and preparing our finances for home ownership now, we can begin to adjust our budget to avoid a financial apocalypse later.

BARBARA FRIEDBERG @ Barbara Friedberg Personal Finance writes 5 TIPS TO GET RICH AND BUILD WEALTH ? Building wealth is a key to independence and freedom; and it?s not all about the money. More people get depressed, get divorced, and get stressed over money issues than most other worries. By eliminating the living paycheck to paycheck fears and building long term wealth, emergency savings, and money for retirement, you remove one of the life?s greatest stressors.

Ryan @ Early Retirement Investments writes How Solar Power Can Make You a Passive Income ? Learn how solar power can make you passive income. I bet your in for a small surprise!

PPlaner @ Provident Plan writes Is Prepaid or Traditional the right credit card for you? ? Last week I talked about whether you should avoid debt. In case you haven?t read the article, I talked about how managing our finances, like much of life, is never black and white. This applies to debt. In many ways it may be advantageous to be debt free, but not always.

Jason @ Work Save Live writes 4 Ways to Build an Emergency Fund Faster ? Should You Have an Emergency Fund? Despite conventional wisdom suggesting that it would be wise to have a stash of savings set aside for unforeseen events that life could throw your way, many Americans opt to forgo the safety net and face life?s challenges on a whim.

Kevin @ Thousandaire writes Prepare For An Emergency Today!!! ? Let me tell you a story about what happened to me and my girlfriend Tag over the weekend. It was seriously one of the scariest moments of my life.

Evan @ writes A Covered Call Traditional IRA Update The Great, The Good and The Bad ? After years of largely ignoring my small traditional IRA I decided in March of this year it was about time to try out a covered call investment strategy I had thought about for a long time.

Evan @ My Journey to Millions writes A Covered Call Traditional IRA Update The Great, The Good and The Bad ? After years of largely ignoring my small traditional IRA I decided in March of this year it was about time to try out a covered call investment strategy I had thought about for a long time.

Jason @ Live Real, Now writes Selling Your Home: The Real Estate Agent ? The hassles of selling a home include marketing, an objective price analysis, advertising on the internet and in newspapers, providing a yard sign, negotiating the sale price, reviewing and filling out the contracts, and navigating the entire process for you. The aren?t meaningless duties, so make sure you are getting what you pay for if you hire a realtor. You need to find the right realtor for you.

Mr. Money @ Smart on Money writes Can You Contest that Will? ? Many of us think of the will as the final word in inheritance. However, this is far from the truth. Some things, like beneficiaries listed on retirement accounts and life insurance policies, supersede what is in a will. And, there is always the possibility of contesting a will if you feel as though distribution wasn?t what it should be.

Aloysa @ My Broken Coin writes How Much Money Are We Supposed to Spend on Friends? ? Friends. My biggest monetary pet peeve lately. Nowadays it is not easy to be a good friend. Nor it is cheap anymore.

Lazy Man @ Lazy Man and Money writes Real Estate: To Invest or Not to Invest? That Is the Question ? When it comes down to it, I view real estate investing as the ultimate in forced savings. We had to come up with the down payments and we lose a couple hundred dollars a month. (That negative cash flow was a consequence of buying at the height of the market for reasons other than ?investing.?) The expected result in 15 years is profound. It is a significant portion of our early retirement planning and it provides great diversification of our income in the future.

SBB @ Simple Budget Blog writes Is Budgeting Worth Your Time? ? Find out how you can keep budgeting simple and avoid the time consuming tasks that are often associated with managing your finances.

Corey @ 20s Finances writes Young Adult Retirement Planning ? Benefits of Saving a Lot Early ? Find out when you should start saving for retirement and how much you should be saving for retirement.

Greg Field @ NerdWallet writes I left my job, should I roll my 401(k) into an IRA? ? If you leave your current job, what should you do about your 401(k)? Here are some tips and suggestions about rolling it into an IRA. Enjoy

Corey @ Steadfast Finances writes Should You Invest in Dividend Stocks? ? Find out if dividend stocks live up to the hype. The payment structure seems to have an advantage on other stocks, but is that really the case?

Robert @ The College Investor writes Do You Make These 6 Investing Mistakes? ? Here are six common investing mistakes that you could be making right now! Read up, and try to avoid them going forward!

Daisy @ Add Vodka writes Planning For Homebuying ? I will admit that I am really not always the most patient of people. When I get something in my head, I want it now. Not in a year, not in three months, NOW.

Invest It Wisely @ Invest It Wisely writes I Don?t Need to Worry about Retirement Yet, Do I? ? When is it time to worry about your retirement savings? Read my article to learn when?

Suba @ Broke Professionals writes Brown Bag It: Tips For Making Cheap Lunch ? Deciding to brown bag it doesn?t meal relegating yourself to a life of school lunches with PB&J and baby carrots. Here are my favorite adult lunch ideas.

Jester @ The Ultimate Juggle writes Make Time To Enjoy Life While Swimming in Chaos ? You never know what is around the corner, so make sure you make time to enjoy life! You only get one shot at it!

Roger the Amateur Financier @ The Amateur Financier writes Couples and Money ? Splitting the Bills ? A guide for couples on how to split the bills they are now facing together, presenting three different ways and the advantages of each.

Jennifer Lynn @ Broke-Ass Mommy writes Clearing Out the Clutter ? Clutter is the enemy to us all! Read my attempt to conquer it!

Dr. Dean @ The Millionaire Nurse Blog writes They?re Your Medical Records, Too ? Medixbase is an online medical record system developed by Michelle Mourre, RN. With Medixbase you?re in charge of your records and they?re readily available.

Penny Thots @ Penny Thots writes Do You Want to Be a DIY Landlord? ? So you think you might like to own some rental property. You imagine cash and checks rolling in around the first of each month as your happy and responsible tenants pay their rent on time. In your mind?s eye, you can actually see your bank account growing. Life is good and your financial future looks secure! Well, hold on just a minute, ok?

John Border @ The University of Money writes How Much to Save for retirement ? The big thing to ask is how much to save for your retirement and how much is enough. This post delves into a step by step process of finding out how much you will need.

Don @ MoneySmartGuides writes Living Paycheck to Paycheck ? In my recent wanderings on the world wide web, I came across an article on CBS MoneyWatch that said 38% of Americans are living paycheck to paycheck. This is up from 31% back in 1997.

Jon the Saver @ Free Money Wisdom writes Lack of Liquidity May Be Why You Don?t Feel Rich ? Having a lack of liquidity has real negative consequences that can be really bad for your finances.

Crystal @ Budgeting in the Fun Stuff writes Budgeting Can Change Your Life And Get You Out Of The Debt Hole ? Budgets and budgeting are the key to savings and getting out of debt.

Maria @ The Money Principle writes Real estate ownership: a blessing or a bother? ? I am on holiday and the real estate problems I have in Bulgaria is heavy on my mind. To rent or to sell?

YFS @ Your Finances Simplified writes 2 Home Buying Tips That People Never Tell You! ? I would like to talk about home ownership, in particular, mortgages. Now everyone tells you that home ownership is better than renting.

IMB @ Investing Money writes Investing Money is Important ? Find out why investing money is important. You could be missing out on a lot of money.

Paul Vachon @ The Frugal Toad writes Decidiing When to Retire ? Deciding when to retire can be a difficult decision to make. Will I have enough income from my retirement accounts, pension, and social security to live comfortably in retirement?

Investor Junkie @ Investor Junkie writes What Is an Annuity? ? There are many different types of annuities, and different structures for annuities. Additionally, it?s important to understand that annuities aren?t right for everyone, and they can have a number of different fees.

Debt Guru @ Debt Free Blog writes Prioritizing Your Debt Pay Off ? Find out the best strategy to paying off debt. Learning the best way to pay off debt can motivate anyone to get started now.

Teacher Man @ My University Money writes Investing In Yourself Doesn?t Have To Be Expensive ? There is plenty of buzz out there these days about ?investing in yourself?. Usually it is in reference to some magical product that you should buy. The logic is that by investing in what they have to offer, you are really just spending the money to improve themselves, and really, who doesn?t want that?

Young @ Young And Thrifty writes How Far Would You Go to Score a Deal? ? This is my journey to get myself 16,500 free Aeroplan points. It took a while, but in the end I was able to take a mini vacation!

Boomer @ Boomer & Echo writes Are You Counting On An Inheritance? ? Many boomers are not well prepared for their own retirements and are expecting an inheritance windfall to reduce their debts and provide an income.

Jeremy @ Modest Money writes Vehicle Insurance ? Better Safe Than Sorry ? I am sure none of you are guilty of this, but amazingly some people take the risk of driving without insurance. Here in BC that is illegal?and a pretty dumb risk regardless where you live.

Hank @ Money Q&A writes Fee Based Vs Commissioned Based Financial Planners ? There are two main types of financial planners ? fee based and commission based. Both types of financial planners provide financial advice on how to best manage most aspects of your financial life.

krantcents @ KrantCents writes Start a Business at 59 Years Old? ? Would you start a business at 59 years old? Bob Chinn did! His seafood restaurant is the highest grossing restaurant in the United States. It is not in New York or Chicago or Los Angeles! It is in Wheeling, Illinois. It is just thirty (30) miles from Chicago.

J.P. @ Novel Investor writes What Are Target Date Funds? ? Target date funds were created as an easy way to invest for retirement. It?s probably one of many options in your retirement account. But is it for you?

Wayne @ Young Family Finance writes Steps to Achieve Financial Security ? Learn three basic steps to achieve financial security. Everyone should be striving for this goal because of what it offers.

Shawanda @ You Have More Than You Think writes How to Make Extra Income With Online Odd Jobs ? Where to find fresh opportunities to supercharge your earnings without the hassle of starting a traditional business.

John @ Married (with Debt) writes We Did It: Debt Free ? How we became consumer debt free, and how you can too. Intentional living for married couples. Get out of debt.

Daniel @ Sweating the Big Stuff writes What Determines the Value On Your Home Loan? ? You?ll see a lot of three-letter acronyms thrown around as you shop for a home loan: APR, FHA, PMI. It?s enough to make your head spin. But there?s one mortgage acronym ? LTV, short for loan-to-value ratio ? that?s always puzzled me. Read more to get the lowdown!

Sustainable PF @ Sustainable Personal Finance writes That Old Refrigerator May Be Costing You ? Got an old fridge? Tired of soaring energy costs? Here are some strategies to save you money!

SB @ One Cent at a Time writes How to replace HP Laptop ? Effectively managing financial institution accounts is equally important as saving money. Still we don?t usually put much attention on managing side of the personal finance. In personal finance, diversification is as important as managing that diversified portfolio. Do it effectively

Marie at FamilyMoneyValues @ Family Money Values writes What is retirement? ? Preparing for retirement is so much more than just financial planning. If you are thinking of retiring, make sure to consider all aspects of retirement, not just the financial ones.

Deacon Hayes @ Well Kept Wallet writes Why it Pays to Go Back to the Store ? Every time I go to Fry?s, they post the ads on the right as soon as you walk in the door. I have made it a habit to go over to see if there is anything that is a good deal or worth looking at. Well, this time I noticed that a radio I had bought within the past 30 days was on sale for $20 less. I remembered that they had a price match guarantee and decided I would ask if they would give me the difference.

Everything Finance @ Everything Finance Blog writes 3 Places People Flock to Retire ? Living options for retirees are expanding. No longer are you confined to Florida, California or Arizona. Indeed, with the entire world to choose from, you can choose the retirement option that is best for your lifestyle and your wallet.

Shilpan @ Street Smart Finance writes The Best Investment Strategy for Growth and Income ? There is no doubt that both value and growth investing styles have their share of staunch followers. Those who believe in Graham and Warren Buffett?s value investment style believe that growth investing is for roulette players. On the other hand, growth investors believe that value investing is a thing of the past with mediocre return at best for the serious investors.

Jacob @ My Personal Finance Journey @ My Personal Finance Journey writes Should I Add Long Term Bonds to My Investing Portfolio and Asset Allocation? ? During the years of 1992-2012, long-term bonds actually outperformed the S&P500 index by almost 30%. Jacob from MPFJ took this finding and set out to reevaluate his decision to exclude long-term bond index funds from his investing strategy for retirement. He ultimately decided to keep long-term bonds out of his portfolio, and this post details his reasoning why.

Steve @ Canadian Personal Finance writes Is it OK to get a discount if you are good looking? ? Would you turn down a discount because you were good looking? A customer received a discount for being good looking. This was simply a joke by the server but honestly it brings up a good question, do good looking people get discounts?

Andy S @ Saving to Invest writes Federal Taxes as a Percentage of Household Income ? Amazing how politicians can both take the same data on federal taxes and household income (per the graphs) and spin it in different ways.

Matt @ Dividend Monk writes Dividend Discount Model Overview ? The simple and effective way to determine a fair stock price for a company that pays dividends.

Steven @ Grocery Alerts writes 3 Monthly Expenses to Cut to Save you Money ? Although monthly expenses don?t seem like very much, but they can really add up. For example, a $100 cable bill on a monthly basis equates to $1200 at the end of the year. Here are a few tips on some monthly expenses that you could consider cutting.


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FAA to study use of electronics on planes

It's going to be a while before airline passengers can use iPads and other electronic devices during the whole flight.

The Federal Aviation Administration says it's forming a committee to study the issue. But its plan suggests the committee's work won't be done until March at the earliest.

The committee will give a recommendation to the FAA, which will make the final decision about any changes. The FAA says allowing cell phone use during flights isn't under consideration.

Airlines currently ban electronic devices until the plane reaches 10,000 feet. They have to be put away before landing, too.

In March, the FAA raised hopes that it might loosen rules for electronic devices by saying it would study ways to test them.

Associated Press


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Sunday 26 August 2012

ADHD Adolescents |

ADHD or Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder is just a common problem among kids. The cause continues to be not known, but innate predisposition has been associated with its occurrence. When a child is identified as having ADHD, there is an increased possibility that the disorder will be carryed by the child into maturity and perhaps into adolescence. The symptoms manifested by ADHD children are exactly the same symptoms that are manifested by teens. These indicators can significantly affect the life of the adolescent, especially when coping with other people.Usually ADHD happens alongside other conditions, mainly regarding behavioral issues. Panic disorders, learning disabilities, and mood disorders are types of these problems. It is very important to effectively analyze a teenager with ADHD and some other behavioral issue that they may have.ADHD teenagers and children typically display one or perhaps a mix of the three major apparent symptoms of ADHD, which are adhd, impulsiveness, and inattention. In addition they tend to get easily distracted, which can end in poor interactions and poor participation in classroom activities. These signs might cause teenagers to possess poor educational performance. In addition, symptoms of ADHD have a tendency to increase when teens encounter hormonal changes throughout puberty.Completing homework assignments is hard and several ADHD individuals misplace important documents, helping to make school even more complex. ADHD not merely affects their grades, but also the way other folks handle them. This is quite unfavorable to teens with ADHD. Lack of concentration can also be frustrating. It could cause the shortcoming to comprehend the lessons provided by their teachers. Still another frustrating symptom is the inability to stay still as this symptom may affect the whole class.Adolescents with ADHD have an increased danger of being involved in vehicular accidents. Studies unmasked that adolescents with ADHD are more vulnerable of committing vehicular injuries in comparison to normal adolescents. ADHD teens are risk-takers and are very impulsive. Studies also have proven that getting ADHD medications will certainly reduce the chance of vehicular accidents notably. Stimulants, which are the prescribed medications for ADHD, can however cause one to become dependent. they?re also prone to being violent with drugs drugs is why. Cocaine and nicotine are a couple examples of medications that an ADHD individual may enjoy, since they too can alleviate the symptoms of ADHD.Behavioral treatment can help an ADHD adolescent handle their symptoms. The psychiatrist dealing with the teen may perform a series of ADHD rating scales to most useful identify and treat. If the symptoms are not managed with behavioral therapy alone, then it is encouraged to get medicinal therapy along side behavioral therapy. Ritalin, Concerta, and Adderall will be the most typical stimuli recommended to ADHD adolescents. They could help to regulate the amount of dopamine in the brain, that will be accountable for steering clear of the event of ADHD symptoms.Parents, with ADD teens,contribute probably the most to the progress of these child?s behavior by means of their understanding, correct control, limits and power to decrease distractions, and help with preparation and other pursuits. Giving them the help they need at all times will help them increase in several facets of their life.

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Lymphoma Research Foundation Announces New Scientific Advisory

New York, NY (PRWEB) August 09, 2012

The Lymphoma Research Foundation (LRF) has announced the election of six experts in the field of lymphoma research to its Scientific Advisory Board (SAB):

Steven H. Bernstein, M.D. is Professor of Medicine and Co-Director of the Lymphoma Biology Program at the James P. Wilmot Cancer Center, University of Rochester Medical Center in New York, NY. He serves as a member of the Lymphoma Working Group, Lymphoma Core Committee, and Lymphoma Biology Committee of the Southwest Oncology Group (SWOG). Dr. Bernstein has been awarded numerous grants to study hematologic malignancies and has been the principal investigator for many clinical protocols in lymphomas and leukemias. Dr. Bernstein earned his medical degree from the New York University School of Medicine. Subsequently, he was a clinical fellow in hematology and oncology at Beth Israel Hospital in Boston, MA and a research fellow in medicine in the Laboratory of Clinical Pharmacology at Dana-Farber Cancer Institute.

Kristie A. Blum, M.D. is the Co-Director of the Lymphoma Program and Associate Professor of Medicine in the Division of Hematology at The Ohio State University School of Medicine. Dr. Blum is an expert in the clinical development of novel therapies for patients with aggressive B-cell non-Hodgkin (NHL) and Hodgkin lymphoma (HL). She has served as the principal investigator on several phase I and II trials in patients with B-cell chronic lymphocytic leukemia and NHL and has developed several investigator-initiated trials. Since 2006, she has served as a member of the Lymphoma Committee for the Cancer and Leukemia Group B (CALGB), now known as the Alliance, which is a national clinical research group sponsored by the National Cancer Institute. Dr. Blum earned her Medical Degree from the University of Miami School of Medicine and completed fellowships in Hematology/Oncology at both Vanderbilt University in Nashville, TN and at Washington University in St. Louis, MO.

Kieron Dunleavy, M.D. is an attending physician and investigator in the metabolism branch of the National Cancer Institute. Dr. Dunleavys research interests focus on the biology and treatment of lymphoproliferative disorders, particularly diffuse large B-cell lymphoma and Burkitt lymphoma. He is interested in developing novel targeted therapies for lymphoma and developing novel strategies that reduce toxicity in aggressive lymphomas such as Burkitt and primary mediastinal B-cell lymphomas. Dr. Dunleavy is a member of several national organizations, including the American Society of Hematology (ASH) and the American Society of Oncology. Dr. Dunleavy earned his medical degree from University College Dublin, Ireland. Following residency and fellowship training in Dublin, he completed a fellowship in medical oncology at the National Cancer Institute.

Nathan H. Fowler, M.D. is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Lymphoma and Myeloma at the University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center in Houston, TX. Dr. Fowler serves as chairman of several phase 1 and investigator-initiated phase II trials for patients with non-Hodgkin lymphoma. His works include conducting the largest study to use immunomodulatory drugs in combination for untreated low-grade lymphoma and leading the first phase I trial demonstrating activity of a Brutons tyrosine kinase (BTK) inhibitor in humans. Dr. Fowlers primary clinical research interest is to further develop novel therapeutic regimens utilizing biologic and immunomodulatory agents to benefit patients with low-grade non-Hodgkin lymphoma. Dr. Fowler earned his medical degree from the University of Texas Medical Branch, where he remained for his internship and residency. He completed his clinical fellowship at Georgetown University in Washington, DC.

Stephanie A. Gregory, M.D., FACP is the Elodia Kehm Chair of Hematology and Professor of Medicine at Rush University Medical Center, Rush University in Chicago, IL. Dr. Gregorys research interests include Hodgkin and non-Hodgkin lymphomas, leukemias and myelomas, especially using novel approaches of immunotherapy. She has been involved in several radioimmunotherapy trials over the years for non-Hodgkin lymphoma and is presently involved in clinical trials with small molecules targeted to malignant lymphoma ? cells. Dr. Gregory is an active memberof the American Society of Hematology (ASH) and the American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO). Dr. Gregory earned her medical degree with honors from the Womans Medical College of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia, PA. Her postgraduate training included an internship, residency, chief residency and hematology fellowship at Rush University Medical Center.

Ann S. LaCasce, M.D. is an Assistant Professor of Medicine at Harvard Medical School and attending physician at Dana-Farber Cancer Institute. She also serves as the Director of Hematology/Oncology Fellowships for the Brigham and Womens Medical Residency Program. Dr. LaCasces research includes developing therapeutic trials in aggressive non-Hodgkin and Hodgkin lymphomas using rational therapies. She is the principal investigator for using positron emission tomography (PET) to risk stratify therapy in patients with bulky Hodgkin lymphoma. Dr. LaCasce serves as a member of the National Comprehensive Cancer Institutes Lymphoma Executive Committee, which develops guidelines for the treatment of non-Hodgkin lymphoma. Dr. LaCasce earned her medical degree from Tufts University School of Medicine and her Master of Medical Sciences from Harvard University Medical School. She completed the Dana-Farber/Partners Cancer Care Hematology/Oncology fellowship program in Boston, MA.

We look forward to the contributions of these talented physicians and researchers as members of our world-renowned Scientific Advisory Board, said LRF Chief Executive Officer Diane Blum.

Comprised of the worlds leading lymphoma researchers and oncologists, the Scientific Advisory Board formulates the LRF research portfolio, seeking out the most innovative and promising lymphoma research projects for support. The 45-member SAB reviews grant proposals and makes recommendations regarding research priorities and funding to the Foundation Board of Directors. The SAB also evaluates the progress of on-going research projects and guides the strategic direction of the Foundations research programs and consortia.

The new members five-year terms began July 1, 2012.

The Lymphoma Research Foundation and the lymphoma community will benefit immensely from the insight and expertise of the Scientific Advisory Boards newly elected members, said SAB Chair John P. Leonard, M.D. I look forward to working with all of the members of the Scientific Advisory Board to advance LRFs mission of eradicating lymphoma.

About the Lymphoma Research Foundation

The Lymphoma Research Foundation (LRF) is the nation?s largest non-profit lymphoma organization devoted to funding innovative research and serving the lymphoma community through a comprehensive series of education programs, outreach initiatives and patient services. To date, LRF has awarded more than $ 51 million in lymphoma-specific research. For additional information on LRFs programs and services, visit


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Rapid-scanning microscope with no loss of quality

ScienceDaily (Aug. 23, 2012) ? Researchers at the University of Leicester have developed a new form of digital microscope which can create an image 100 times faster than regular equipment -- without losing image quality.

The team of scientists have developed a new type of confocal microscope that produces high-resolution images at very fast speeds.

The findings are due to be published on the online journal PLoS ONE on August 24.

The device, which takes a cue from consumer electronics such as televisions, can be bolted on to a regular microscopes and projects light through a system of mirrors on to the microscopic sample.

The device projects patterns of illumination onto the specimen, and only light that is precisely in the plane of focus returns along the same path and is reflected by the mirror onto a camera to form an image.

The ability to be able to program the mirror device allows the illumination pattern to be adjusted easily for different types of specimens and conditions giving ease of use and flexibility.

Unwanted light that comes from regions of the specimen which are out of focus are rejected, improving the image quality.

The resulting images can be scanned on a computer at around 100 frames per second, showing biological processes such as cell activity at much higher speeds than regular microscopes -- which tend to be capped at around 1 frame per second.

The Leicester team's microscope has no moving parts, making it robust, and the use of a programmable, digital micro-mirror allows the user to alter the size and spacing of mirrors in order to choose the quality of the image and adapt to different imaging conditions. Consequently, it has much greater flexibility than other microscopes capable of similar speeds.

The researchers believe this technology will be a big help to those working in many scientific fields, including biomedical research and neuroscience.

The research was led by Professor Nick Hartell, of the University's Department of Cell Physiology and Pharmacology, who plans to use the new device for his own work studying the cell mechanisms involved in the brain's storage of memories.

The project last for three years and was funded by the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC), which has also provided funding for the team to develop the device as a commercial product.

Professor Hartell said: "We built the device as there is a 'need for speed'. I found out about this technology from its use in projectors and realized that it could be used to develop a microscope.

"Modern biological research, and modern neuroscience, depends upon the development of new technologies that allow the optical detection of biological events as they occur. Many biological events take place in the millisecond time scale and so there is a great need for new methods of detecting events at high speed and at high resolution.

"We are very excited because we have been able to go from a concept, to a working prototype that is useful for my research into neuroscience. There is a good chance that we will be able to make a product and see that being used in labs in the UK and worldwide."

Neil Radford from the University's Enterprise and Business Development Office adds "This capability provides a breakthrough from traditional Nipkov disk technologies and Professor Hartell is now working closely with us to commercialize the technology with a leading scientific instrument manufacturer."

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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by University of Leicester, via AlphaGalileo.

Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. For further information, please contact the source cited above.

Journal Reference:

  1. Franck P. Martial, Nicholas A. Hartell. Programmable Illumination and High-Speed, Multi-Wavelength, Confocal Microscopy Using a Digital Micromirror. PLoS ONE, 2012; 7 (8): e43942 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0043942

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Disclaimer: Views expressed in this article do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.


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