Tuesday 18 October 2011

Tell Petland USA to Stop Selling Pets! #BTC4A | DogTipper.com

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As all our regular readers know, we are strong rescue advocates. Our dogs and cats are all from shelters (except Coco, who was a stray). We love mixed breed dogs but we know that some people want a particular dog breed. Sadly, instead of turning to shelters, breed-specific rescues, or breeders who care about their dogs, many people turn to stores where purebred puppies are sold. In almost every instance, pet store puppies are the sad product of puppy mills, places where dogs are bred until they die or are put to death, doomed to live an unhealthy life under horribly inhumane conditions, producing often unhealthy and maladjusted offspring.

Recently Petland Canada stores stopped selling pets?but Petland stores in the US continue to sell pets and perpetuate puppy mills.

Today, bloggers across the blogosphere are writing to draw attention to this problem as part of the Be the Change for Animals campaign. If you have a blog, you can join in the movement by checking out the Be the Change for Animals post.

But everyone, bloggers or not, can help create this change. First and foremost, speak with your dollars. Don?t spend money at Petland USA stores until they stop selling dogs and cats. That doesn?t just mean not purchasing a puppy?that also means not running in the store for a bag of treats, poop bags, or cat litter. No matter how insignificant the purchase might be, take your dollars elsewhere until this practice stops. Reward other pet retailers with your business; many are doing incredible work to help further adoption.

Hopefully, hopefully the leaders of the Petland USA franchise will realize that they can use their stores to be an important part of the solution, not part of the problem. We?re all about positive reinforcement here?let?s hope the lure of potential sales can help retrain Petland USA to stop selling dogs and perpetuating a business that dooms dogs to an unthinkable life and, instead, start helping to find homes for the orphaned pets in this country. Those pet families that adopt pets need pet food and supplies, creating a very large potential market for this retailer...if they stop their current practice of selling pets.

  • Paste the following across your social media outlets:

Tell @Petland USA to Stop Selling Pets! Sign the Petition:?http://chn.ge/qT2HNs #BTC4A? #Change

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Source: http://www.dogtipper.com/blog/2011/10/be-the-change-petland-usa-stop-selling-pets.html

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