Wednesday 19 October 2011

Taylor Armstrong: Reality TV Saved My Life!

Taylor Armstrong wants to make it as clear as possible: her late husband beat her often and may have murdered her.

Since the August suicide of Russell Armstrong, this horrific Real Housewife has gone out of her way to paint a negative picture of her daughter's father, giving multiple interviews that detailed Russell's abuse.

A Terrible Person

Taylor Armstrong: Open mouth. Insert foot. Repeat.

The latest despicable example? A chat with KTLA-TV in which Taylor hypothesizes that Russell may have killed if her not for the higher power above. No, not God. Bravo television.

"I was in an abusive relationship for six years," Taylor said. "If the cameras were not in my life, I might not be sitting here today. A lot of domestic violence situations end in murder-suicide, versus just suicide. I have my daughter with me today, and by the grace of God and, perhaps, reality TV, I'm sitting here and so is she."

Why does Taylor continue to speak out about her personal problems, throwing Russell farther and farther underneath the bus with each interview?

"We're all put on this earth with a plan, a mission, and we're handed a very specific mission through a tragedy," she says. "And If I don't do something with it I'm not doing right by other women, and men, who might be in a dangerous situation."

To anyone who watched the most recent episode of The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills, it's clear: Taylor really is all about helping others.


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