Sunday 23 October 2011

Cameron Douglas Pleads Guilty to Drug Possession in Jail

Cameron Douglas, the troubled son of Michael Douglas, has pleaded guilty to possessing drugs. While already in prison, serving time for dealing drugs.

The 32-year-old Douglas is serving a five-year federal prison sentence for drug dealing. He pleaded guilty on Thursday to possessing drugs in his cell.

He faces up to another 20 years in prison and a $250,000 fine.

Cameron Douglas Mug Shot

Cameron Douglas is charged with possessing items that tested positive for cocaine and heroin, which were found in his prison cell by an investigator.

He also tested positive for methadone, often something that people take when they're coming off a heroin addiction in order to facilitate withdrawal.

In court Thursday, he admitted struggling with addictions to heroin, cocaine and alcohol. "God knows I am sorry," records show he told the judge.

Michael Douglas said in a statement:

"Cameron accepts full responsibility for his conduct, which involved a small user-quantity of drugs. While he has made much progress, he is still not cured."

"Most people and their families are able to address this illness privately and outside of the spotlight. Unfortunately this has not been possible in his case, for reasons completely outside of his control."

"He thanks those that have rooted for his recovery and looks forward to the day when he will not disappoint."

Douglas is scheduled to be sentenced December 21.


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