Sunday 9 October 2011

[Gold Silver ETF] The basics of investing in gold, silver, and other ...

For thousands of years gold has been the foundation of most national currencies up to the second half of the 20th century. Raw gold is an extremely stable investment because of its desirability, rarity, and tendency not to rust or corrode over time. Gold has proven to be a profitable investment in the past, and will continue to rise in value over time.

Gold is not only an investment but it can also be a form of savings. It is like an insurance policy that you keep if worse comes to worst. Paper currency can easily become worthless, but gold never will.

Here are some tips on how to invest in gold bullion.

First you should understand what kind of investment you want to make in gold bullion so that you will know what kind of gold to buy. If you want to protect your assets then purchasing gold coins may be a better choice for you. But if you want a fast return in your investment then investing in gold stocks or ETFs may what you are looking for.

If you want to buy gold you do not want to wait to see if the price drops. Over time the price of gold usually rises. If you wait then there is a possibility that you will purchase your gold at an even higher price. It is important to monitor the price of gold as prices fluctuate every day. A reliable pricing index for gold is the London Gold Fixing index.

Directly invest in gold bullion by buying it at major banks, coin and precious metal storefronts, or websites that sell precious metals. Direct ownership means you will have the right to keep the gold you buy and keep it in your home or in the bank in a safety deposit box. You should be careful when choosing a bank if you want to pool your gold as resource together with other investments, because if the bank goes out of business you might not be able to get your gold back. So when you choose a bank make sure it is financially stable.

Once you are ready to start investing in precious metals you need to find a honest reliable place to purchase your investments. I have found that storefronts that sell gold and silver usually charge way to much. The best place I have found to buy from is??APMEX Gold and Silver or American Precious Metals Exchange.


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