Thursday 6 October 2011

Health And Fitness Facts | Health

Health And Fitness Facts

In order to achieve your goals you always need to set realistic targets for yourself and you need to constantly monitor your progress. You also need to know exactly what you are doing and why you are doing it,? therefore you need to have a basic knowledge of health and fitness. I am going to shed some light on some misconceptions and provide you with real health and fitness facts.

Myth: I need to train twice a day to get the body I?want. The longer i spend in the gym the better my results will be.

Health and fitness facts: You do not need to spend so much time in the gym. A medium to high intensity workout that lasts one hours maximum for at least three times a week is all you need to see results. You can actually do more damage than good if you workout too long. Your body will start to release stress hormones and these hormones holds on to fat and it will become very difficult to achieve your goals.

Myth: You need to train your abs everyday

Health and fitness facts: two or three times a week is enough to train abs, just like any other muscle group your abs also needs time to recover and rest. Some people think that if you train your abs everyday you will lose tummy fat faster, this is spot reduction and also a myth. You cannot spot reduce.


Myth: As long as you exercise you can eat what you want

Health and fitness facts: You metabolism determines how many calories you burn at rest and while exercising. If you eat more calories than you burn on a consistant basis you body will store extra calories as fat regardless of how many hours a week you exercise.

Myth: Women only need to do cardio to get into shape

Health and fitness facts: Women that only concentrate on cardio will have a very hard time achieving the look they want. Muscles responds to resistance training and if the weights are too light then there will no reason for the muscles to change or adapt. By incorporating weight training into your program you increase your muscle mass which in turn increases your metabolism. That means you will burn fat faster and you will also burn fat after your workout.

Myth: You can get rid of cellulite.

Health and fitness facts: I am so sorry to tell you but this is complete lie so do not buy those products that promise to eliminate cellulite. You can however improve the appearance of cellulite with moisturizers to hydrate the skin, a fake tan will help camouflage it, resistance training and a healthy, clean diet can minimise the appearance of cellulite.

With these guidelines you should now be prepared and more focused on what you need to do and not waste time with all the mambo jumbo that has been floating around.

Discover how to lose weight safely over at my blog where I have health and fitness facts and related weight loss and dieting info.

Visit my site to get started with your healthier lifestyle today

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