Friday 7 September 2012

We Are Family: A Baby Shower!

My baby sister Sarah is having a baby herself!

Well, she's in her 30's. Not really a baby.

But kind of still to me.

We had a baby shower for her last weekend at my Aunt Carole's house, where we got to see lots of family and friends. This is Sarah with some of her beautiful friends, one of whom is expecting a baby, too. I remember some of these women when they were giddy college freshmen with my sister in the dorms of DePaul.

?It was a lovely day.
?With people we love. ?Sarah's mom-in-law, Sandy, can't wait for her new grandson to arrive! Sarah married into an Italian family, who tease her often about her chances of giving birth to a "hairy Italian baby." This is quite a change for a girl who comes from a long line of babies born as little baldies. Fox babies usually remain baldies until about preschool.
?Mike arrived at the tail end of gift-opening. ?Although the shower was wonderful, it was just as nice to have a chance to catch up with family members we don't often get to see. We spent the evening before the shower visiting with Carole, Joyce, our Aunt Margaret, cousin Amy, her husband Kevin, and their cuties Bryce and Addie.
?Joyce, age 11, kept us entertained all night.
?She's got quite an imagination as well as an impressive stage presence. Check out that arched eyebrow!
We asked her how she got that bandage on her wrist. She told us that some random person attacked her with a spatula.
Turns out she hurt it at volleyball practice.
But I like the spatula story better, myself.
?Joyce's doggie, Lucy, was brought into the performance, as well, albeit a bit unwillingly.
?And we got to see this little peanut:
?I mean, really ... how cute is this??
Here we have little Cameron, Greg and Julie's daughter, and Amy and Kevin's daughter, Addie. I tried to convince them to lower their cups so I could get a picture of their faces, but preschoolers have minds of their own.
?I then engaged in attempting to take nice photos of the preschoolers ...
?which we also like to refer to as "herding cats."
?Preschoolers are far to busy to sit still for pictures!
?Plus, it's boring!

So we'll just call that sequence "action shots."

I love my baby sister, and can't wait to meet her new little baby when he makes his arrival sometime soon!


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