Tuesday 5 June 2012

Vanderbilt Coach Sorry for Comment on Assistants' Wives

Vanderbilt Coach Sorry for Comment on Assistants' Wives

Vanderbilt University's football coach, James Franklin, has apologized for comments he made about his assistant coaches and their wives, CBS reported. Appearing on a radio show, he said: "I?ve been saying it for a long time, I will not hire an assistant coach until I?ve seen his wife.... If she looks the part, and she?s a D-1 recruit, then you got a chance to get hired. That?s part of the deal." With university officials and others criticizing the remarks, Franklin sought to clarify his remark. On Twitter, he wrote, "My foot doesn?t taste good, I hope I did not offend any1, I love & respect ALL." He added, "Attempt at humor obviously fell a few yds short. Was speaking to the courage it takes 4 men 2 approach the women who become their wives!!!!!"

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