Sunday 3 June 2012

Acupuncture as part of Chiropractic Treatment

Acting as a complete holistic health system, acupuncture has fantastic medical benefits. Practitioners have been using Acupuncture for hundreds of years to successfully rid people of the illnesses and help people stay well.

As Acupuncture is a holistic approach to health it promotes the body?s natural healing ability. It can do wonders for physical and emotional health, help your body boost and maintain its immune system and improve overall function and well-being. It is a safe, painless and effective way to treat a wide variety of medical problems.

On your first visit to see an Acupuncturist he/she will go through your medical history before anything else. You will be asked about your lifestyle and general health. You will then undergo a basic physical examination including checking the pulse and tongue.

If you are looking for acupuncture Central London has several approved treatment clinics.

This information is vital for the practitioner as it can help him/her to identify and pinpoint specific areas that have an imbalance of Qi (the energy that flows through us all) Acupuncture uses the theory that an imbalance of Qi can affect the overall health of the patient. The practitioner can then create a well-structured treatment plan.

Once the Acupuncturist finds the imbalances within the body he/she will then insert very fine, sterile needles into specific points along meridian pathways which is believed to be a giant network connecting different parts of the body. The insertion of the needles is safe and painless due to the construction and nature of the needles and is believed to help release the areas of blocked Qi. This is believed to restore the flow of Qi allowing optimum nourishment of the body?s cells, organs and blood vessels.

Acupuncturists may also use a herb to compliment the needles, the herd is known as Moxa and is a smouldering herb used to warm the various acupuncture points to encourage the body?s energy to flow freely. There are also other methods of warming these points such as lasers, applying a small electrical current to the needles, massage, or tapping with a rounded probe.

When most people think of Acupuncture they immediately think of the needles used as being the same as those used in blood tests or injections. Acupuncture needles are completely different from these; they are very, very fine and solid, unlike injection needles which are hollow. People often describe the sensation of the needles as a tingle or a dull ache where they are inserted. The needles can be left in for up to half an hour and the Acupuncturist may rotate or move these slightly to encourage the unblocking of the Qi.


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