Friday 29 June 2012

Mike Pledges to Improve Breast Cancer Survival Rates | Mike ...

29th June 2012

Mike has committed to improving outcomes for breast cancer patients at a Parliamentary reception that was hosted by Breakthrough Breast Cancer.

Breakthrough Breast Cancer is dedicated to the prevention, treatment and eradication of breast cancer. As well as funding around a quarter of breast cancer research in the UK, Breakthrough persistently campaigns for better services and treatments and continues to raise awareness of the signs and symptoms of breast cancer to enable early detection. For more information or to donate, please see

Commenting, Mike said: ?The UK?s breast cancer survival rates are behind many other European countries. Hundreds more lives could be saved by raising awareness. More than 48,000 women are diagnosed with breast cancer each year in the UK and I want to make sure that everyone in Westminster and Hove and Portslade knows that we can do much more.?


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