Monday 30 July 2012

Middleton Senior Legion baseball squad misses playoffs on the final night

Last week, the Middleton Senior Legion team was in quite the scenario, hovering around the fourth and final playoff spot.

Because of Middleton's 6-1 loss to Newburyport on July 26 and Andover's win over Methuen the same night, the local Senior Legion squad finished one spot out of the Legion playoffs.

"We should be very strong next year if everyone returns, with a strong nucleus on young players coming through the Junior Legion program," said Kowalski. "We're only losing five players - three starters."

What helped get the team so far to nearly making the playoffs was its pitching. Each pitcher in the stable has been strong, beginning with Bobby Woodworth, whose no-hitter against Gloucester on July 22 was a season highlight. Woodworth, a Beverly resident, is a St. John?s Prep graduate and will go to Cornell next month.

Additionally, Jeff Daniels and Ben Panunzio, 2012 Masconomet graduates, have been "very productive," along with Phil Doyle, a Brooks School graduate headed to Villanova University.

The offense hasn?t been a juggernaut for the team, but there are some players who have especially helped Masconomet to their 11 wins.

Rory Garrison, a Middleton resident and St. John?s Prep grad going on to Providence, has been the leadoff hitter. Curtis Kowalski, hitting at the No. 3 spot, has also done well just ahead of clean-up hitter Panunzio.

"The No. 2 spot on the team is flipped between several people," said Kowalski.

Mike Manni, the team?s regular catcher, has also been productive at the plate, along with Boxford resident Edison Thayer. A home school student, Thayer has seen most of his time at designated hitter or first base.

Junior update

John Kowalski?s son Braden manages the Middleton Junior Legion team, a squad made up almost entirely of 15-year-olds and playing against mostly 16-and 17-year-olds.

"They?re improving. They?ve been ?in? almost every game, though unfortunately their record hasn?t been great at 4-11-1," said John. "The goal this year was not to win, but to see improvement from the beginning of the season. We?re definitely seeing much stronger baseball skills and overall knowledge."

In the Junior Legion league, every team makes the playoffs, and the Junior squad will take to the field on Wednesday.


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