Tuesday 10 July 2012

DoD Awards Grants for State and Local Military/Overseas Voting Systems

Final recipient of Electronic Absentee Systems for Elections (EASE) grants program announced

June 21, 2012 ? The Federal Voting Assistance Program (FVAP) is pleased to announce the final recipient of the Electronic Absentee Systems for Elections (EASE) grants program. FVAP will distribute $1,200,000.00 to the Colorado Secretary of State. The Colorado grant will serve more than 16,000 military and overseas voters.

Colorado will use the grant funds to implement a ballot-on-demand system that will enable counties to print ballots for military and overseas voters. This will allow the counties to produce and mail ballots by the 45-day deadline more efficiently.

In 2008, the number one failure for military and overseas voters was in ballot transmission (FVAP?s Eighteenth Report to the Congress). Local election officials receiving voted ballots reported they did not count numerous uniformed and overseas citizen ballots because they were received after the deadline. Greater online access and automation of voter registration and absentee ballot systems could make the voting process easier, more intuitive, and more seamless for UOCAVA voters while maintaining the integrity of the process.

Last May, DoD announced the availability of federal funding to support research to advance the electronic options for military and overseas citizens when voting absentee. US State, territory, and local governments were eligible to apply for the grants. The total amount of grants distributed to date is $25,442,413.56. FVAP identified additional funding beyond the previously allocated $20,600,000.


If you?d like more information on the Federal Voting Assistance Program or need help with the absentee voting process please go to the www.FVAP.gov web portal or contact the FVAP at 703-588-1584 (toll free 1-800-438-VOTE). Email the program at VOTE@FVAP.GOV and don?t forget to ?like? us on Facebook at www.facebook.com/DoDFVAP and follow @FVAP on Twitter for election updates throughout 2012.

PDF version of FVAP News Release #21

Last updated: 06.21.2012

Source: http://www.fvap.gov/global/news/2012news/nr21-2012.html

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