Tuesday 15 May 2012

gps | Define gps at Dictionary Globala.Ru

    GPS       n 1: a navigational system involving satellites and computers            that can determine the latitude and longitude of a receiver            on Earth by computing the time difference for signals from            different satellites to reach the receiver [syn: {Global            Positioning System}, GPS] 
    Global Positioning System   GPS       <communications> (GPS) A system for determining postion on the      Earth's surface by comparing radio signals from several      satellites.  When completed the system will consist of 24      satellites equipped with radio transmitters and atomic clocks.       Depending on your geographic location, the GPS receiver      samples data from up to six satellites, it then calculates the      time taken for each satellite signal to reach the GPS      receiver, and from the difference in time of reception,      determines your location.       ["Global Positioning by Satellite"?  Precison?  Coverage?  Web      page?]       (1998-02-10) 

Global Positioning System: an electronic system using a network of satellites to indicate on a computerized receiver the position of a vehicle, ship, person, etc.

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