Sunday 16 June 2013

How ClimateMaster Increases Property Values


?Going Green? and helping the world around you is a good thing. However, saving the ?green? that ends up in your pocket is also extremely beneficial. The question is, can a homeowner receive both? With ClimateMaster, they absolutely can.

Oh, so many rules ? so little time; this is a very true statement when it comes to making sure your home is ecologically sound. From turning off lights to unplugging appliances so they do not draw and waste energy, to making sure that incandescent light bulbs are replaced with LED lights, to making sure that power strips (that were bought to save energy), are also turned off ? being ?green? while saving the ?green? is a real chore.

All of the above products are on the ?innovative? and ?energy efficient? list for homeowners. However, when it comes to being environmentally sound and saving huge amounts of energy, as well as huge amounts of money ? ClimateMaster is the company people are running to in order to install the Geothermal HVAC systems that save it all: money, time, energy, AND provide consumers with a federal tax credit of 30%!

Not only are these ClimateMaster products doing all this for the consumer, but it?s also a huge fact that in the 21st Century, any ?green? home improvements made increase the resale value of homes across the nation.

Whether you are a consumer who?s out there looking to buy, sell, or make improvements to your home, the ?green? category is huge and results in a higher home value. There have been a list of studies done by groups located in all areas ? from Washington state all theTranquility Digital Indoor Split TES way down the California coast ? that prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that houses created or improved with ?green? building materials are offering consumers major money back on their out-of-pocket expenses.

One of the biggest names when it comes to making these improvements correctly is ClimateMaster. With fifty years of experience behind them providing consumers with systems that are ENERGY STAR designated, ClimateMaster knows how to increase property values. But not only is the consumer able to sell their ?improved? home for a higher price, they are also able to sell their home faster than their non-?green? counterparts.

There are always expenses to think about; there are home improvements that fall into the ?green? category that can range from expensive to affordable, depending on what you choose to do. But with ClimateMaster, your investment only adds to the home and will return your money and then some by lowering utility bills and making your home a ?must-have? property.

Heating, cooling and hot water represent over 70% of a single home?s annual utility bills, so not only are the energy efficient ClimateMaster HVAC systems a great long-term investment that saves you money and lowers those monthly bills, but they are also the best ?green? home improvement investment you can make.

The environmental impact is immediately reduced, which is why the homeowner then qualifies for the unlimited 30% federal renewable energy tax credit which automatically reduces upfront costs. And the ?green? improvement makes your home a ?top pick? in the real estate market.

?Green? is a trend. However, ?money-saving? is also a trend that will never die. Hard-working families are interested in making sure they not only save cash, but also make sure that any cash they put into their homes will cause the home to be among the trendiest. When using ClimateMaster, these are no longer worries.

Residential ?green? home building (AKA sustainable homes), are a trend that?s also here to stay. Full ?green? neighborhoods and communities are appearing in almost every city across this nation; communities that are designed to reduce or even eliminate a homeowner?s need to rely on old, traditional utilities that not only raise bills every month, but also do harm to the environment. With ClimateMaster, the environmental impact of residential living is reduced because of the easy installation and everyday use of natural and renewable energy sources.

Geothermal heating and cooling systems are the most popular feature of ?green? homes, because of their low energy consumption, high energy efficiency and clean, natural and renewable energy sources. HVAC systems powered by qualified ENERGY STAR geothermal heat pumps are an absolute necessity in order to create that sustainable home. And, in the end, the homeowner receives tremendous benefits that can go straight into the bank!

Talk about sleeping better. Save money, lower utility bills, have the ability for an easy and quick resale, and minimize your home?s carbon footprint all at the same time; this is the long, unmatched list that ClimateMaster provides.

So what are you waiting for? Call ClimateMaster and ?begin installation? today! Because not only will your relationship with ClimateMaster allow you to purchase products that pay for themselves, but they will also transform your home from a traditional living area into what everyone is looking for ? an ?eco-friendly? house!


Source: Baret News Wire



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