Friday 3 May 2013

Jump into Spring with Healthy Living | Creative Soul in Motion

Spring is the time of new beginnings as everything starts to pop. The grass is green, flowers are in bloom, and leaves are opening up on the trees. The sun is shining and the world seems full of possibilities.

With all the change in the air, now is a great time to take charge of your life?s choices and make a commitment to be healthy. You don?t have to empty your entire pantry and join a new gym though. Instead?

Here are 5 simple steps that you can follow to adopt a healthy lifestyle:

Get Moving

Everyone knows how important it is to stay active. Thirty minutes of moderate activity, at least five days a week can make all of the difference in maintaining a healthy weight, a strong cardiovascular system, and strength. Those who keep moving and grooving every day will be flexible and mobile as the years roll by. For many, a morning workout is helpful. Pop a DVD in, get on the treadmill, take a jog, or walk around the block. Finding a partner in fitness can provide extra motivation. If mornings don?t work, try after work for a stress reliever.

Enjoy being active and your body (and your mind and spirit) will thank you!

Eat Well

Give your body the right fuel! Protein from a variety of sources, including yogurt, tree nuts, and beans, builds muscle. Cut back on sugars, fats, and processed foods and swap them for fresh produce like strawberries and peppers. Instead of soda drink eight to ten glasses of water every day to keep your body well hydrated.

Focusing on fueling your body, rather than your emotions, can help you stay focused on a healthy diet.

Reduce Stress

Stress takes a major toll on the body, but thankfully there are many simple and easy ways to relieve anxiety. Try meditation and yoga. Deep breathing techniques.?Listen to soothing music. Find time for enjoyable hobbies.?Go for a massage once a month or do self-massage at home; in fact, here are some tips to help with self-massage:

Self-Massage Tools

Frozen Water Bottle: Most athletes are familiar with the concept of rest, ice, compression and elevation. A frozen water bottle is an affordable way to ice the feet and massage them at the same time. The ice will reduce the swelling and soothe your extremities as you roll your feet over the water bottles.

Tennis Ball: If you don?t need the ice, try a tennis ball to massage sore muscles. Tennis balls can be used on feet, legs and your back. This method is effective for working out the knots in the foot. You can roll the feet over the tennis ball from toe to heel for the most effective results. Also try rolling the tennis ball along your back as you press it into a wall.

Soup Cans: Soup cans are also used to massage the feet and legs. Consider rolling your feet over cans or rolling the cans over your legs to relieve tension and pain.

Be Gentle with Your Body

If you?re an athlete, you know the toll that a big workout can take on the body, especially if you are stepping up your workout schedule as the warm weather approaches. The pain can be immense especially if there is a lack of muscle memory and muscles are tight. Golfers especially ? you?re stepping out on the course for the first time in many months and you?ll probably be sore after the first round because you?re muscles are not used to that motion.

To help avoid this incorporate stretching and some gentle movements to help your body warm-up. Also take it easy the first week or two back on the course ? you don?t want to over do it on the first day. Also, a sports massage can help loosen up tight muscles; consider these tips and methods of sports massage inspired by experts of NY golf club, Atunyote?.

A healthy lifestyle is easy to adopt with a few simple changes. Take baby steps. Remember that moderation is key in all things and it?s okay to indulge from time to time, but treat the body as the precious temple that it is.

Michelle Pino has provided these tips in hopes to educate others on how to lead a more motivating and less stressful life. Michelle believes that a more focused approach put on health will result in more balanced life. Her hobbies include cooking, reading and learning about healthy lifestyles. Michelle is thankful to have had the opportunity to work with Erin and together share their ideas on ?????????Creative Soul in Motion.

** Please note:?The opinions expressed on Creative Soul in Motion are based on my own thoughts, knowledge, and experiences (or those of my guest writers). Please keep in mind that I am?not?a Doctor or other health professional so please consult the appropriate professional before making any changes to your diet, health, or other applicable areas. You should always do what is right for your own personal mind, body and life.

Related posts:

  1. Healthy Living Summit 2012 Life Lessons
  2. Achy, achy muscles
  3. A Healthy Lifestyle Begins From Within
  4. My Guide to Staying Healthy This Winter
  5. 5 Easy Healthy Habits to Get You to the New Year


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