Sunday 25 December 2011

Vote: Who plays the perfect Sarah Palin?

By Randee Dawn, contributor


Tina Fey, left, and Julianne Moore in character as former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin.

Who's the best Sarah Palin impersonator?

Well, until recently, Tina Fey -- of course! The "30 Rock" star practically wrote the book on the former Alaska governor, who lost her bid for the vice-presidency in 2008, running alongside John McCain.

Fey's impersonation alongside "Parks and Recreation" star Amy Poehler (as Hillary Clinton) on "SNL" went huge as a viral video, and Fey even earned the Associated Press Entertainer of the Year award for the portrayal.

But ... Fey may have some serious competition. HBO has recently released a clip of its upcoming "Game Change" film, which looks at McCain's presidential campaign -- and, of course, his pairing with the surprisingly telegenic Palin. But rather than hire Fey, the filmmakers went with ... four-time Oscar nominee Julianne Moore. And really, the appearance is truly striking.

So we ask you: Who is the better Sarah Palin?

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