Saturday 31 December 2011

2 abortion providers charged with murder in Md. (AP)

WASHINGTON ? Authorities say two out-of-state doctors who traveled to Maryland to perform late-term abortions have been arrested and charged with multiple counts of murder, an unusual use of a law that allows for murder charges in the death of a viable fetus.

Dr. Steven Brigham, of Voorhees, N.J., was taken into custody Wednesday night and is being held in the Camden County jail, according to police in Elkton, Md. Authorities also arrested Dr. Nicola Riley in Salt Lake City and she is in jail in Utah. Each is awaiting an extradition hearing.

A grand jury indicted the two doctors after a 16-month investigation, police said.

The investigation began in August 2010 after what authorities say was a botched procedure at Brigham's clinic in Elkton, located near the border of Maryland and Delaware.

An 18-year-old woman who was 21 weeks pregnant suffered a ruptured uterus and an injured bowel, according to documents filed in a previous investigation by medical regulators. Rather than call 911, Riley drove her to a nearby hospital, where both she and Brigham were uncooperative and Brigham refused to give his name, documents show.

A search of the clinic after the botched abortion revealed a freezer containing 35 late-term fetuses, including one believed to have been aborted at 36 weeks, the documents show.

Brigham, 55, is charged with five counts of first-degree murder, five counts of second-degree murder and one count of conspiracy. Riley, 46, faces one count each of first- and second-degree murder and one conspiracy count.

The charges relate to the botched procedure as well as other abortions performed at the Elkton clinic or fetuses found there, authorities said.

Cecil County State's Attorney Ellis Roberts declined to elaborate on the charges or the circumstances that led to them, saying it would be inappropriate to comment before Brigham and Riley, who were taken into custody on fugitive warrants, had seen the indictments.

Maryland is one of 38 states that allows murder charges to be brought against someone accused of killing a viable fetus. The 2005 state law has so far only been used for cases in which defendants were accused of assaulting or killing pregnant women.

"We are in uncharted territory," Roberts said. "At some point in time," he added, "you will hear our explanation" of the charges.

The state law allows for murder or manslaughter charges to be brought against a person who intends to kill or seriously injure a fetus or who wantonly disregards the safety of a fetus. It does not apply to doctors administering lawful medical care and does not impinge on a woman's right to terminate a pregnancy.

Brigham's attorney, C. Thomas Brown, said in an emailed statement that he does not believe his client has violated any Maryland laws. He said he has not seen any charging documents or spoken with Brigham since the arrest.

"Dr. Brigham has fully cooperated with this investigation," Brown said. "I had an agreement with the state's attorney's office that if Dr. Brigham was charged, he would voluntarily come to Maryland to surrender. For reasons unknown to me, the state did not honor that agreement. ... It is my opinion that Dr. Brigham's arrest in New Jersey was orchestrated to ensure that he remained in custody over this holiday weekend."

An attorney for Riley also took issue with her client being behind bars.

"We believe the charges are without legal merit," said attorney Sharon Krevor-Weisbaum. "We believe it's inappropriate for her to be held without bond. She is not a flight risk and she should be released on her own recognizance."

Krevor-Weisbaum said Riley's legal team would comment further after they had seen the indictment.

A spokeswoman for the Center for Reproductive Rights, a legal advocacy group, said she was not aware of any cases in the United States in which an abortion provider had been charged with murder in the death of a fetus. A Philadelphia doctor, Kermit Gosnell, faces murder charges in the deaths of seven newborn babies but has not been charged with killing fetuses.

The botched 2010 abortion led regulators to order Brigham to stop practicing medicine in Maryland without a license, and Riley's Maryland license was suspended. Brigham's New Jersey license was also suspended, leaving him without a valid license in any state, and New Jersey authorities are pursuing revocation of his license there. New Jersey authorities have cooperated with the Maryland criminal probe, said Thomas R. Calcagni, director of the State Division of Consumer Affairs.

According to regulators, Brigham would begin abortions in New Jersey and have his patients drive themselves to Maryland to complete the procedures, taking advantage of Maryland's more permissive laws. Brigham was not authorized to perform abortions in New Jersey after the first trimester, and regulators called his actions manipulative and deceptive.

In Maryland, licensed physicians can perform abortions before the fetus is deemed capable of surviving outside the womb, and abortions of viable fetuses are permitted to protect the life or health of the mother or if the fetus has serious genetic abnormalities. Doctors generally consider fetuses to be viable starting around 23 weeks.

Anti-abortion activists hailed the arrests of Brigham and Riley.

"These two individuals are now where they belong and should be in jail for the rest of their lives," the Rev. Frank Pavone, national director of Priests for Life, said in a statement. "Even those who believe abortion should be legal can join with us to stop the out-of-control practices of people like Brigham and Riley."


Associated Press writer Beth DeFalco in Trenton, N.J., contributed to this report.


Ben Nuckols can be reached on Twitter at


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Friday 30 December 2011


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Beyonce Fans Weigh In On Baby's Anticipated Arrival

From the birth date to the sex of the baby, fans share their thoughts with MTV News.
By John Mitchell

Photo: Jemal Countess/Getty Images

It's almost here, and no, we're not talking about New Year's. Here at MTV News we're waiting patiently for an even bigger event: the birth of Beyoncé and Jay-Z's baby.

And depending on whom you ask, Queen Bey's little prince or princess might be here sooner than any of us thought. According to various media reports, Beyoncé may even be in labor right now.

Rumors that the 4 songstress, who was one of MTV's top Newsmakers of 2011, was set to give birth Wednesday (December 28) first surfaced on Media Takeout, with two nurses at New York's Saint Luke's Roosevelt Hospital allegedly telling the celebrity gossip site that they were informed last night that a "celebrity VIP" who had reserved half of the hospital's luxury labor and delivery floor would be arriving to give birth Wednesday.

There has been no confirmation that the rumored VIP is indeed Beyoncé, and representatives for the star did not immediately respond when asked for comment.

Fans of the "Countdown" singer and her hip-hop mogul husband are starting to get very excited about baby Jayoncé. When MTV News took to the streets of New York to ask Bey's fans their thoughts on when they expect the baby to make its debut and whether it will be a boy or a girl, they had plenty to say.

Most of Bey's fans told us they expected the baby to be born in January, with one perhaps astute fan zeroing in on New Year's Day, saying, "I think Beyoncé's baby will be born sometime in January, maybe on the first."

We found only one dissenter on the chilly streets of NYC, and he seemed to have the best knowledge of past public statements from the couple, including an early-September interview with Beyoncé that announced that the baby was actually due in February. "I trust Jay Z, I think he's a good guy," the fan said. "Him and Beyoncé are a good couple, so they wouldn't lie to the public. So Beyoncé's baby is going to be born in February."

And nearly all of the fans we surveyed believe the power couple is expecting a baby girl. Perhaps they caught wind of de facto auntie Kelly Rowland's slip of the lip on a London red carpet in early November, where the former Destiny's Child singer said, "I have no idea what I'm going to buy Beyoncé at the baby shower because Jay is going to buy that little girl every single thing possible. She won't be spoiled, but she will be very well looked-after."

One fan was particularly excited for a baby girl because she hoped the babe picked up Beyoncé's good genes. "Hopefully a girl," she told MTV News. "Probably because I'm a fan of Beyoncé's looks."

One thing all could agree on was that Jay and Bey's bundle of joy would jump right to the top of the celebrity baby power list. "A power baby, obviously," one fan said, while another added, "It's gonna be a pretty cool baby, that's for sure. Probably gonna run New York City by the time he's 13 or 14."

Do you think Beyoncé and Jay-Z's baby will be a boy or a girl? Let us know in the comments!

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Thursday 29 December 2011

Cheetah the chimp from 1930s Tarzan flicks dies (AP)

PALM HARBOR, Fla. ? A Florida animal sanctuary says Cheetah the chimpanzee sidekick in the Tarzan movies of the early 1930s has died at age 80.

The Suncoast Primate Sanctuary in Palm Harbor announced that Cheetah died Dec. 24 of kidney failure.

Sanctuary outreach director Debbie Cobb on Wednesday told The Tampa Tribune ( that Cheetah was outgoing, loved finger painting and liked to see people laugh. She says he seemed to be tuned into human feelings.

Based on the works of author Edgar Rice Burroughs, the Tarzan stories, which have spawned scores of books and films over the years, chronicle the adventures of a man who was raised by apes in Africa.

Cheetah was the comic relief in the Tarzan films that starred American Olympic gold medal swimmer Johnny Weissmuller. Cobb says Cheetah came to the sanctuary from Weissmuller's estate sometime around 1960.

Cobb says Cheetah wasn't a troublemaker. Still, sanctuary volunteer Ron Priest says that when the chimp didn't like what was going on, he would throw feces.




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Nigerians fear more church attacks after 39 killed (AP)

MADALLA, Nigeria ? Women returned to clean the blood from St. Theresa Catholic Church on Monday and one man wept uncontrollably amid its debris as a Nigerian Christian association demanded protection for its churches.

At least 35 people died at St. Theresa and dozens more were wounded as radical Muslim militants launched coordinated attacks across Africa's most populous nation within hours of one another. Four more people were killed in other violence blamed on the group known as Boko Haram.

Crowds gathered among the burned-out cars in the church's dirt parking lot Monday, angry over the attack and fearful that the group will target more of their places of worship.

It was the second year in a row that the extremists seeking to install Islamic Shariah law across the country of 160 million staged such attacks. Last year, a series of bombings on Christmas Eve killed 32 people in Nigeria.

Rev. Father Christopher Jataudarde told The Associated Press that Sunday's blast happened as church officials gave parishioners white powder as part of a tradition celebrating the birth of Christ. Some already had left the church at the time of the bombing, causing the massive casualties.

In the ensuing chaos, a mortally wounded man had cradled his wounded stomach and begged a priest for religious atonement. "Father, pray for me. I will not survive," he said.

At least 52 people were wounded in the blast, said Slaku Luguard, a coordinator with Nigeria's National Emergency Management Agency. Victims filled the cement floors of a nearby government hospital, some crying in pools of their own blood.

Pope Benedict XVI denounced the bombing at his post-Christmas blessing Monday, urging people to pray for the victims and Nigeria's Christian community.

"In this moment, I want to repeat once again with force: Violence is a path that leads only to pain, destruction and death. Respect, reconciliation and love are the only path to peace," he said.

The U.N. Security Council condemned the attacks "in the strongest terms" and called for the perpetrators, organizers, financiers and sponsors "of these reprehensible acts" to be brought to justice.

The African Union also condemned the attacks and pledged to support Nigeria in its fight against terrorism.

"Boko Haram's continued acts of terror and cruelty and absolute disregard for human life cannot be justified by any religion or faith," said a statement attributed to AU commission chairman Jean Ping.

On Sunday, a bomb also exploded amid gunfire in the central Nigeria city of Jos and a suicide car bomber attacked the military in the nation's northeast. Three people died in those assaults.

After the bombings, a Boko Haram spokesman using the nom de guerre Abul-Qaqa claimed responsibility for the attacks in an interview with The Daily Trust, the newspaper of record across Nigeria's Muslim north. The sect has used the newspaper in the past to communicate with the public.

"There will never be peace until our demands are met," the newspaper quoted the spokesman as saying. "We want all our brothers who have been incarcerated to be released; we want full implementation of the Sharia system and we want democracy and the constitution to be suspended."

Boko Haram has carried out increasingly sophisticated and bloody attacks in its campaign to implement strict Shariah law across Nigeria. The group, whose name means "Western education is sacrilege" in the local Hausa language, is responsible for at least 504 killings this year alone, according to an Associated Press count.

Last year, a series of Christmas Eve bombings in Jos claimed by the militants left at least 32 dead and 74 wounded. The group also claimed responsibility for the Aug. 26 bombing of the United Nations headquarters in Nigeria's capital Abuja that killed 24 people and wounded 116 others.

While initially targeting enemies via hit-and-run assassinations from the back of motorbikes after the 2009 riot, violence by Boko Haram now has a new sophistication and apparent planning that includes high-profile attacks with greater casualties.

That has fueled speculation about the group's ties as it has splintered into at least three different factions, diplomats and security sources say. They say the more extreme wing of the sect maintains contact with terror groups in North Africa and Somalia.

Targeting Boko Haram has remained difficult, as sect members are scattered throughout northern Nigeria and the nearby countries of Cameroon, Chad and Niger.

Analysts say political considerations also likely have played a part in the country's thus-far muted response: President Goodluck Jonathan, a Christian from the south, may be hesitant to use force in the nation's predominantly Muslim north.

Speaking late Sunday at a prayer service, Jonathan described the bombing as an "ugly incident."

"There is no reason for these kind of dastardly acts," the president said in a ceremony aired by the state-run Nigerian Television Authority. "It's one of the burdens as a nation we have to carry. We believe it will not last forever."

However, others don't remain as sure as the president. The northern state section of the powerful Christian Association of Nigeria issued a statement late Monday night demanding government protection for its churches, warning that "the situation may degenerate to a religious war."

"We shall henceforth in the midst of these provocations and wanton destruction of innocent lives and property be compelled to make our own efforts and arrangements to protect the lives of innocent Christians and peace loving citizens of this country," the statement read.

"We are therefore calling on all Christians to be law abiding but defend themselves whenever the need arises."


Jon Gambrell reported from Lagos, Nigeria and can be reached at


Associated Press writers Ibrahim Garba in Kano, Nigeria and Bashir Adigun in Abuja, Nigeria contributed to this report.


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Wednesday 28 December 2011

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Tuesday 27 December 2011

Australia hit back against India (BBC)

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New powerful painkiller has abuse experts worried (AP)

NEW YORK ? Drug companies are working to develop a pure, more powerful version of the nation's second most-abused medicine, which has addiction experts worried that it could spur a new wave of abuse.

The new pills contain the highly addictive painkiller hydrocodone, packing up to 10 times the amount of the drug as existing medications such as Vicodin. Four companies have begun patient testing, and one of them ? Zogenix of San Diego ? plans to apply early next year to begin marketing its product, Zohydro.

If approved, it would mark the first time patients could legally buy pure hydrocodone. Existing products combine the drug with nonaddictive painkillers such as acetaminophen.

Critics say they are especially worried about Zohydro, a timed-release drug meant for managing moderate to severe pain, because abusers could crush it to release an intense, immediate high.

"I have a big concern that this could be the next OxyContin," said April Rovero, president of the National Coalition Against Prescription Drug Abuse. "We just don't need this on the market."

OxyContin, introduced in 1995 by Purdue Pharma of Stamford, Conn., was designed to manage pain with a formula that dribbled one dose of oxycodone over many hours.

Abusers quickly discovered they could defeat the timed-release feature by crushing the pills. Purdue Pharma changed the formula to make OxyContin more tamper-resistant, but addicts have moved onto generic oxycodone and other drugs that do not have a timed-release feature.

Oxycodone is now the most-abused medicine in the United States, with hydrocodone second, according to the Drug Enforcement Administration's annual count of drug seizures sent to police drug labs for analysis.

The latest drug tests come as more pharmaceutical companies are getting into the $10 billion-a-year legal market for powerful ? and addictive ? opiate narcotics.

"It's like the wild west," said Peter Jackson, co-founder of Advocates for the Reform of Prescription Opioids. "The whole supply-side system is set up to perpetuate this massive unloading of opioid narcotics on the American public."

The pharmaceutical firms say the new hydrocodone drugs give doctors another tool to try on patients in legitimate pain, part of a constant search for better painkillers to treat the aging U.S. population.

"Sometimes you circulate a patient between various opioids, and some may have a better effect than others," said Karsten Lindhardt, chief executive of Denmark-based Egalet, which is testing its own pure hydrocodone product.

The companies say a pure hydrocodone pill would avoid liver problems linked to high doses of acetaminophen, an ingredient in products like Vicodin. They also say patients will be more closely supervised because, by law, they will have to return to their doctors each time they need more pills. Prescriptions for the weaker, hydrocodone-acetaminophen products now on the market can be refilled up to five times.

Zogenix has completed three rounds of patient testing, and last week it announced it had held a final meeting with Food and Drug Administration officials to talk about its upcoming drug application. It plans to file the application in early 2012 and have Zohydro on the market by early 2013.

Purdue Pharma and Cephalon, a Frazer, Pa.-based unit of Israel-based Teva Pharmaceuticals, are conducting late-stage trials of their own hydrocodone drugs, according to documents filed with federal regulators. In May, Purdue Pharma received a patent applying extended-release technology to hydrocodone. Neither company would comment on its plans.

Meanwhile, Egalet has finished the most preliminary stages of testing aimed at determining the basic safety of a drug. The firm could have a product on the market as early as 2015 but wants to see how the other companies fare with the FDA before deciding whether to move forward, Lindhardt said.

Critics say they are troubled because of the dark side that has accompanied the boom in sales of narcotic painkillers: Murders, pharmacy robberies and millions of dollars lost by hospitals that must treat overdose victims.

Thousands of legitimate pain patients are becoming addicted to powerful prescription painkillers, they say, in addition to the thousands more who abuse the drugs.

Prescription painkillers led to the deaths of almost 15,000 people in 2008, more than triple the 4,000 deaths in 1999, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported last month.

Emergency room visits related to hydrocodone abuse have shot from 19,221 in 2000 to 86,258 in 2009, according to data compiled by the Drug Enforcement Administration. In Florida alone, hydrocodone caused 910 deaths and contributed to 1,803 others between 2003 and 2007.

Hydrocodone belongs to family of drugs known as opiates or opioids because they are chemically similar to opium. They include morphine, heroin, oxycodone, codeine, methadone and hydromorphone.

Opiates block pain but also unleash intense feelings of well-being and can create physical dependence. The withdrawal symptoms are also intense, with users complaining of cramps, diarrhea, muddled thinking, nausea and vomiting.

After a while, opiates stop working, forcing users to take stronger doses or to try slightly different chemicals.

"You've got a person on your product for life, and a doctor's got a patient who's never going to miss an appointment, because if they did and they didn't get their prescription, they would feel very sick," said Andrew Kolodny, president of Physicians for Responsible Opioid Prescribing. "It's a terrific business model, and that's what these companies want to get in on."

Under pressure from the government, Purdue Pharma last year debuted a new OxyContin pill formula that "squishes" instead of crumbling when someone tries to crush it.

But Zogenix, whose drug is time-released but crushable, says there is not enough evidence to show that such tamper-resistant reformulations thwart abuse.

"Provided sufficient effort, all formulations currently available can be overcome," Zogenix said in a written response to questions by The Associated Press.

At a conference for investors New York on Nov. 29, Zogenix chief executive Roger Hawley said the FDA was not pressuring Zogenix to put an abuse deterrent in Zohydro.

"We would certainly consider later launching an abuse-deterrent form, but right now we believe the priority of safer hydrocodone ? that is, without acetaminophen ? is a key priority for the FDA," Hawley said.

FDA spokeswoman Erica Jefferson said the agency would not comment on its discussions with drug companies, citing the need to protect trade secrets.

Drug control advocates say they're worried the U.S. government is too lax about controlling addictive pain medications. The United States consumes 99 percent of the world's hydrocodone and 83 percent of its oxycodone, according to a 2008 study by the International Narcotics Control Board.

One 41-year-old loophole in particular has fed the current problem with hydrocodone abuse, critics say. The federal Controlled Substances Act, passed in 1970, puts fewer controls on combination pills containing hydrocodone and another painkiller than it does on the equivalent oxycodone products.

A Vicodin prescription can be refilled five times, for example, while a Percocet prescription can only be filled once.

The Drug Enforcement Administration and Food and Drug Administration have been studying whether to close this loophole since 1999 but have made no decision. Congress is now considering a bill that would force the agencies to tighten the controls.

"This is a problem that is fundamentally an oversupply problem," said Jackson, the drug-control advocate. "The FDA has kind of opened the floodgates, and they refuse to recognize the mistakes made in the past."

Pure hydrocodone falls into the stricter drug-control category than hydrocodone-acetaminophen medications, meaning patients would have to go to their doctors for a new prescription each time they needed more pills. But Jackson said that's no guarantee against abuse, noting that dozens of unscrupulous doctors have been caught churning out prescriptions in so-called "pill mills."

The Drug Enforcement Administration, which enforces controls on medicines along with the FDA, said it could not comment on drugs that have not yet been approved for sale.

However, Zogenix has acknowledged the abuse issue could become a liability.

"Illicit use and abuse of hydrocodone is well documented," it said in a filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission in September. "Thus, the regulatory approval process and the marketing of Zohydro may generate public controversy that may adversely affect regulatory approval and market acceptance of Zohydro."


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Sunday 25 December 2011

Vote: Who plays the perfect Sarah Palin?

By Randee Dawn, contributor


Tina Fey, left, and Julianne Moore in character as former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin.

Who's the best Sarah Palin impersonator?

Well, until recently, Tina Fey -- of course! The "30 Rock" star practically wrote the book on the former Alaska governor, who lost her bid for the vice-presidency in 2008, running alongside John McCain.

Fey's impersonation alongside "Parks and Recreation" star Amy Poehler (as Hillary Clinton) on "SNL" went huge as a viral video, and Fey even earned the Associated Press Entertainer of the Year award for the portrayal.

But ... Fey may have some serious competition. HBO has recently released a clip of its upcoming "Game Change" film, which looks at McCain's presidential campaign -- and, of course, his pairing with the surprisingly telegenic Palin. But rather than hire Fey, the filmmakers went with ... four-time Oscar nominee Julianne Moore. And really, the appearance is truly striking.

So we ask you: Who is the better Sarah Palin?

Have a comment? Share with us on our Facebook page!


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Wednesday 7 December 2011

Diamond, Streep, Ma feted at Kennedy Center

Meryl Streep received her next film assignment over the weekend from a friend ? to play the role of Hillary Rodham Clinton in a future film ? as Streep and four others were saluted with the Kennedy Center Honors.

Writer Nora Ephron said Streep's talent, versatility and resemblance to Clinton made it "inevitable" that she would one day play the secretary of state and former first lady. Clinton, who flew home for 36 hours to celebrate the honorees over the weekend, just laughed, while Streep stood up for a better look at the nation's top diplomat.

Along with Streep, pop singer Neil Diamond, Broadway singer Barbara Cook famed cellist Yo-Yo Ma and jazz saxophonist Sonny Rollins joined in receiving the nation's top award Sunday night for those who have influenced American culture through the arts.

Caroline Kennedy, who hosts the show as part of a living memorial to her father, John F. Kennedy, acknowledged her personal connection to one honoree.

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In a nod to Diamond, she said he was "a Brooklyn lad with a gift of melody who grew into a solitary man, 'reaching out, touching me.'" That was enough to draw big laughs as the crowd of celebrities and politicians recalled that Diamond's "Sweet Caroline" was named for her.

"I'm going to have to thank her for that," Diamond said before the show, noting that the song is a story about he and his former wife. But he took the name from Kennedy.

Smokey Robinson sang "Sweet Caroline" with help from Kennedy and fans brought in from Boston's Fenway Park where it's a favorite anthem.

Lionel Richie, who sang, "I Am ... I Said," told The Associated Press he got into the music business because he wanted to be Diamond.

"He's a great storyteller," Richie said. "He's not an acrobatic singer. Basically he told the story in a very simple voice."

Classical music stole the show's finale, though, with surprise tributes from Stephen Colbert ? who seemed lost at first ? and the puppet Elmo from TV's "Sesame Street."

"Tonight we celebrate the greatest living cellist," Colbert said "We chell-ebrate, if you will."

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Ma, one of the best-known classical musicians, has played cello since he was 4. At age 7, he played for presidents Kennedy and Dwight D. Eisenhower.

Now at 56, he is hailed as a musical ambassador to the world who has spanned styles from Bluegrass to sounds from the Silk Road with an ensemble he founded. Many of his friends performed in his honor.

Elmo, dressed in a tux, said he came to honor his friend, Ma who taught him that "music is like a playground" that makes everybody happy.

James Taylor and conductor John Williams joined in a performance of "Here Comes the Sun" with a string ensemble.

CBS will broadcast the show on Dec. 27.

Earlier President Barack Obama lauded the actors and musicians at the White House.

"They have different talents, and they've traveled different paths," Obama said. "And yet they belong here together because each of tonight's honorees has felt the need to express themselves and share that expression with the world."

He said everyone has that desire for self-expression in common.

"That's why we dance, even if, as Michelle says, I look silly doing it," he added to laughter.

Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton flew home between visits to Myanmar and Germany to honor the artists with a dinner Saturday night. After visiting the isolated Southeast Asian country also known as Burma, Clinton said such U.S. artists have worldwide influence by using their freedom of creativity.

"You may not know it, but somewhere in a little tiny room in Burma or even in North Korea, someone is desperately trying to hear you or to see you, to experience you," Clinton said. "And if they are lucky enough to make that connection, it can literally change lives and countries."

Streep, 62, has made more than 45 movies and won two Oscars in her career. Her movies have spanned Shakespeare and "Angles in America" to portraying chef Julia Child in "Julie and Julia."

In her upcoming film, Streep will play British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher in the upcoming "The Iron Lady."

Streep said she was in awe of the accolades from the president and others.

"Look where we are, look who's here," Streep told The Associated Press. "It's overwhelming. I feel very proud."

Emily Blunt and Anne Hathaway who co-stared with Streep in "The Devil Wears Prada," joined Kevin Kline and Stanley Tucci for a musical tribute to Streep.

Sarah Jessica Parker and Matthew Broderick opened the tributes to Cook, recalling the days when they first started dating and went to hear Cook sing at the Caf? Carlyle in New York.

"I don't think Matthew at the time knew what kind of special memory he was creating for us," Parker said.

"Oh, I knew," Broderick said back.

Cook, 84, made her Broadway debut in 1951, and later Leonard Bernstein cast her in his musical "Candide." She topped that performance as Marian the Librarian in 1957's hit musical "The Music Man," for which she won a Tony Award.

A film tribute noted Cook went silent for a decade, due to drinking and depression, but she came back.

Glenn Close called her an icon for anyone who has worked on Broadway.

"I think we have the biggest respect for her because she really has survived, survived and prevailed," Close said.

Rollins, 81, is a jazz saxophonist who has shared the stage with Miles Davis and Dizzy Gillespie, among others.

"America is the home of jazz. It's what we started," he said. "By the way, hip hop music is a part of jazz, believe it or not."

Friend Bill Cosby marveled about how he has heard Rollins' distinctive sax around the world in Greece, Hong Kong, Italy ? and found so many people who knew the musician's work.

"All over the world, Sonny Rollins," Cosby said.

Benny Golson and Herbie Hancock joined in playing some of Rollins' tunes.

Fellow sax player and former President Bill Clinton said earlier that he has been a fan since the age of 15 or 16 when he bought his first Rollins LP and played it until it was worn out.

"His music can bend your mind, it can break your heart, and it can make you laugh out loud," Clinton said. "He has done things with improvisation that really no one has ever done."

Copyright 2011 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.


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Tuesday 6 December 2011

FAA chief on leave after drunken driving arrest

WASHINGTON (AP) ? The Transportation Department says Federal Aviation Administration chief Randy Babbitt is on a leave of absence and his employment is being reviewed following his arrest over the weekend for drunken driving.

According to Fairfax City police, Babbitt was charged with driving while intoxicated after a patrol officer spotted him driving on the wrong side of the street and pulled him over about 10:30 p.m. Saturday in Fairfax, Va.

Babbitt, who lives in Reston, was the only occupant in the vehicle. Police said he cooperated and was released on his own recognizance.

The Department of Transportation said in a statement that the leave was taken at Babbitt's request.

Associated Press


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Monday 5 December 2011

Queen of England's income frozen until 2015

While she won?t exactly be stocking up on Ramen noodles, the Queen of England will have a little less in her purse for the next few years.

Queen Elizabeth II faces a freeze on her income through at least 2015 thanks to funding cuts for the royal household resulting from a recently passed law. Her income has already dropped in real terms since 2009 as she has joined the millions of others affected by the economic downturn.

The funding for the royal family has traditionally come from the civil list, a public fund controlled by the British Parliament. However, a law passed six weeks ago will replace the civil list with a single fund, the sovereign grant, in April 2013.

Video: Queen Elizabeth to see pay freeze until 2015 (on this page)

The sovereign grant will be 15 percent of the surplus money generated by the Crown Estate. The Crown Estate is a ?diverse property business valued at more than 7 billion,?? according to its website. It owns properties that include Regent Street and Great Windsor Park as well as ?almost all of the seabed around the UK.?? The Queen?s income will depend on how well the Crown Estate portfolio performs in a given year.

The austerity measures most likely mean that repairs to the royal palace will be delayed and that there may be fewer public appearances by the royal family, whose travel expenses had previously been taxpayer-funded.

Slideshow: The life and times of Prince Charles

With no extra tax funds to pay for the court of the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, Will and Kate?s staff will be subsidized by the Prince of Wales, according to a report in The Sunday Times. The Prince of Wales? income derives from the Duchy of Cornwall, which also is responsible for financially supporting Prince Harry and any future wife and children. The Duchy of Cornwall reportedly made 17.8 million last year, and although it will be paying for Will and Kate?s staff, structural repairs to Kensington Palace will still be taxpayer-funded.

According to the Sunday Times, the document related to the passing of the Sovereign Grant Bill reads, ?The grant levels envisaged in the early years of the new system are, in real terms, below what the Royal Household spent in every one of the last 20 years.??

Slideshow: Life of a queen

That most likely means a paycut for the Queen at least through April 2015. In 2010-11, the royal household had an income of 32.1 million, a far cry from the 77.3 million in taxpayer funding that the Queen once enjoyed back in 1991-92.

Slideshow: Crown jewels: Greatest royal headgear

Last summer, the keeper of the privy purse, Sir Alan Reid, indicated that if the funding for the royal household fell any further that it would most likely impact ?the support of the Queen and the long-term health of the estate,?? according to a report in The Telegraph.

? 2011 MSNBC Interactive.? Reprints


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Investing Blog Roundup: Deduct and Convert

This week I enjoyed learning about a tax planning tip I hadn?t encountered before, whereby some investors can achieve state income tax savings by making deductible traditional IRA contributions then immediately converting to a Roth IRA, as opposed to making Roth IRA contributions directly.

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Sunday 4 December 2011

"Laugh-In" actor Alan Sues dies at age 85 (Reuters)

LOS ANGELES (Reuters) ? "Laugh-In" actor Alan Sues, who was known for playing outlandish and effeminate characters on television, has died at age 85, a statement on his website said.

Sues died on Thursday night while watching television at his home in West Hollywood, just outside of Los Angeles, his longtime friend, Michael Gregg Michaud, said on the site.

He had recently been in poor health, according to Michaud.

From 1968 to 1972, Sues was a recurring cast member on the NBC show "Rowan & Martin's Laugh-In" playing an eccentric children's host named Uncle Al the Kiddies' Pal and an effeminate sportscaster called Big Al.

The California native was also known for his role as a clumsy and outrageously flamboyant Peter Pan on peanut butter commercials during the same time he starred in "Laugh-In."

After "Laugh-In," Sues performed on Broadway in the 1970s, as Professor Moriarty in the play "Sherlock Holmes."

Sues is survived by two nieces and a nephew, according to his website.

(Reporting by Alex Dobuzinskis: Editing by Greg McCune)


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Saturday 3 December 2011

Dan Walters: California's tax-hike advocates may setting up circular firing squad (Sacramento Bee)

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Quantum Entanglement Links Two Diamonds

News | More Science

Usually a finicky phenomenon limited to tiny, ultracold objects, entanglement has now been achieved for macroscopic diamonds at room temperature

Diamond wafer used in entanglement experimentNOT SO SMALL: One of the diamond wafers used in the entanglement experiment, with a coin for scale. Image: CQT

Diamonds have long been available in pairs?say, mounted in a nice set of earrings. But physicists have now taken that pairing to a new level, linking two diamonds on the quantum level.

A group of researchers report in the December 2 issue of Science that they managed to entangle the quantum states of two diamonds separated by 15 centimeters. Quantum entanglement is a phenomenon by which two or more objects share an unseen link bridging the space between them?a hypothetical pair of entangled dice, for instance, would always land on matching numbers, even if they were rolled in different places simultaneously.

But that link is fragile, and it can be disrupted by any number of outside influences. For that reason entanglement experiments on physical systems usually take place in highly controlled laboratory setups?entangling, say, a pair of isolated atoms cooled to nearly absolute zero.

In the new study, researchers from the University of Oxford, the National Research Council of Canada and the National University of Singapore (NUS) showed that entanglement can also be achieved in macroscopic objects at room temperature. "What we have done is demonstrate that it's possible with more standard, everyday objects?if diamond can be considered an everyday object," says study co-author Ian Walmsley, an experimental physicist at Oxford. "It's possible to put them into these quantum states that you often associate with these engineered objects, if you like?these closely managed objects."

To entangle relatively large objects, Walmsley and his colleagues harnessed a collective property of diamonds: the vibrational state of their crystal lattices. By targeting a diamond with an optical pulse, the researchers can induce a vibration in the diamond, creating an excitation called a phonon?a quantum of vibrational energy. Researchers can tell when a diamond contains a phonon by checking the light of the pulse as it exits. Because the pulse has deposited a tiny bit of its energy in the crystal, one of the outbound photons is of lower energy, and hence longer wavelength, than the photons of the incoming pulse.

Walmsley and his colleagues set up an experiment that would attempt to entangle two different diamonds using phonons. They used two squares of synthetically produced diamond, each three millimeters across. A laser pulse, bisected by a beam splitter, passes through the diamonds; any photons that scatter off of the diamond to generate a phonon are funneled into a photon detector. One such photon reaching the detector signals the presence of a phonon in the diamonds.

But because of the experimental design, there is no way of knowing which diamond is vibrating. "We know that somewhere in that apparatus, there is one phonon," Walmsley says. "But we cannot tell, even in principle, whether that came from the left-hand diamond or the right-hand diamond." In quantum-mechanical terms, in fact, the phonon is not confined to either diamond. Instead the two diamonds enter an entangled state in which they share one phonon between them.

To verify the presence of entanglement, the researchers carried out a test to check that the diamonds were not acting independently. In the absence of entanglement, after all, half the laser pulses could set the left-hand diamond vibrating and the other half could act on the right-hand diamond, with no quantum correlation between the two objects. If that were the case, then the phonon would be fully confined to one diamond.

If, on the other hand, the phonon were indeed shared by the two entangled diamonds, then any detectable effect of the phonon could bear the imprint of both objects. So the researchers fired a second optical pulse into the diamonds, with the intent of de-exciting the vibration and producing a signal photon that indicates that the phonon has been removed from the system. The phonon's vibrational energy gives the optical pulse a boost, producing a photon with higher energy, or shorter wavelength, than the incoming photons and eliminating the phonon in the process.


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Friday 2 December 2011

Office of Communications plans a restructured Skidmore website ...

Based on the comments from first-year student focus groups held throughout November, the Office of Communications, in conjunction with the Admissions Office, will execute a complete revamp of the College's online and print publications.

The series of focus groups, conducted annually for the past three years, focuses mainly on first-year students and their experiences with the college admissions process. Administrators for the groups included Daniella Nordin, online community manager, Daniel Forbush, executive director of Communications, Emmeline Taylor '14, a student blogger for the Office of Communications' new proprietary social networking site, Skidmore Student-to-Student, and Peter MacDonald, director of Recruitment Marketing.

One component of this year's focus groups was the implementation of a Facebook community for incoming students. On Oct. 24, the Office of Communications sent out a survey to all first-year students asking for feedback on the admissions process, as well as the College's Facebook pages and applications.

"The results of the survey reinforced that a majority of the students use Facebook as their primary way to connect with people," Nordin said.

Of the 103 first-year students who responded to the survey, 92.2 percent "liked" the Class of 2015 Facebook page, and 87.4 percent subsequently joined the private "Skidmore College" Facebook application.

"Incoming students seemed to love that they could make connections before stepping foot on campus," Nordin said. "One student even said he met his girlfriend through the site!"

Further analyses of the feedback from focus groups from this and last semester showed that what students valued most during the admissions process was the personal connections with people who were already part of the college community.

"It's always about the people," said Romeo Makore '15, an international first-year student from Zimbabwe who participated in the Nov. 7 focus group and applied to Skidmore early decision having never visited campus. "Everyone at Skidmore is amazing, and everyone is accepting."

While students approved of the College's outreach on Facebook, overall they disapproved of its main website. "You shouldn't have to dig to find out about the school you want to attend," said Makore said on the difficulties navigating the site. "It should be right in front of you."

"We've known the website needs an update for a while now," Nordin conceded. "That's why we are going through a 'refreshing' period."

Efforts to redesign the website are already underway. Upcoming changes include translating the website into Spanish and Mandarin, soon to be followed by other languages to help promote international student interest.

Another possible change includes converting the "Skidmore Mind Owner's Manual,"?an informational manual on the average Skidmore student's mind, into an interactive web application for prospective students.

Further changes to the main website will debut between June and August of 2012, including the current "Creative Thought at Work" campaign evolving into an all-encompassing "Creative Thought Works" branch of the website, expanding it to more than just the alumni profiles offered now.

"What particularly stood out to the students were the alumni stories," said Nordin said. "We are also looking to build web components for these publications."

Edwards and Company, a communications consulting firm that which helped develop the College's "Creative Thought Matters" campaign in 2002, worked with the Admissions and Communications departments to redesign the website and refresh the admissions publications.

"We wanted a better understanding of 'Creative Thought Matters'," said Forbush said, "and how it is interpreted by different audiences ? what it means to the greater Skidmore community."

Through the focus groups, along with the "Recruitment Communication Strategy Group," a new coalition of several departments that including the Office of Communications, Admissions, the First-Year Experience, the Web Team, etc., Communications has re-prioritized what to focus on when it comes to refurbishing the website.

"We want more emphasis on story-telling and a focus on the outcomes of a Skidmore education," Forbush said.

With its success in generating productive feedback, the Communications department plans on continuing this series of focus groups for years to come. "Two years ago," said Forbush, "focus groups helped us understand the importance of Facebook in the admissions process. We'll always do this; we always want feedback on how we're doing."?


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Thursday 24 November 2011

Mexico senator drops out of presidential race (AP)

MEXICO CITY ? Mexican Sen. Manlio Fabio Beltrones says he won't seek the presidential nomination for the Institutional Revolutionary Party, leaving former Mexico State Gov. Enrique Pena Nieto effectively unopposed.

Beltrones says in an announcement published Tuesday that he wants to maintain his party's unity as it seeks to regain the presidency it lost in 2000 after 71 years in power.

The move means that two of the three major candidates expected to compete in the 2012 race are unofficially set.

Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador of leftist Democratic Revolution Party was selected as presidential nominee after winning an opinion poll released last week.

President Felipe Calderon's National Action Party has yet to choose a candidate.


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Wednesday 23 November 2011

White House defends missile defense after Russian warning (Reuters)

WASHINGTON (Reuters) ? The White House said on Wednesday that U.S. and NATO plans to deploy a European missile shield by 2020 remain on track, after Russian warned it would arm itself with missiles able to defeat the shield.

"In multiple channels, we have explained to Russian officials that the missile defense systems planned for deployment in Europe do not and cannot threaten Russia's strategic deterrent," said White House national security council spokesman Tommy Vietor.

"Its implementation is going well and we see no basis for threats to withdraw from it," he said, adding "We will not in any way limit or change our deployment plans in Europe."

Russian President Dmitry Medvedev said on Wednesday in Moscow that Russia would ramp up its early-warning radar to protect its nuclear missile sites, deploy weapons that could overcome a shield, and potentially target missile defense installations to its south and west.

Washington said Moscow had no reason to worry.

"The United States has been open and transparent with Russia on our plans for missile defense in Europe, which reflect a growing threat to our allies from Iran that we are committed to deterring," Vietor said in a statement.

"We continue to believe that cooperation with Russia on missile defense can enhance the security of the United States, our allies in Europe, and Russia, and we will continue to work with Russia to define the parameters of possible cooperation."

(Reporting by Alister Bull; editing by Philip Barbara)


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Report: 2 new cases alleged against Sandusky

Two new child sex abuse investigations have been launched against former Penn state football coach Jerry Sandusky. Unlike the previous eight cases, these new alleged victims are still minors. NBC's Peter Alexander reports.

? staff and wire reports

Officials with The Children and Youth Services in Pennsylvania are investigating two new cases of child abuse alleged against former Penn State assistant coach Jerry Sandusky, The Patriot News reported?Tuesday.

If the new allegations -- reported less than 60 days ago --?are found to be credible, it would the first known cases involving people who are still under the age of 18, the newspaper reported.

The state's Children and Youth Services only investigates reports of abuse if victims are minors. All others are handled by police agencies, according to Pennsylvania law.

Sandusky faces 40 criminal counts accusing him of sexually abusing eight boys beginning in the?mid-1990s. Authorities say some assaults happened on Penn State's campus and were reported to administrators but not to police agencies.

Sandusky has maintained his innocence.

Hearing delayed
Also on Tuesday,?a judge delayed Sandusky's preliminary hearing in the Centre County Courthouse in Bellefonte, Pa.

The hearing, set for Tuesday, was rescheduled for Dec. 13, according to court records. The change was made ?to accommodate the logistical needs involved in the hearing,? a posting on the courthouse website read.

Messages seeking comment from Sandusky?s attorney Joe Amendola and the state attorney general's office weren't immediately returned to or NBC News.

Amendola told ABC's "Good Morning America" on Tuesday that he was worried that?there would be new criminal allegations against his client.

"My concern is, if they bring new charges based upon new people coming forward, that bail's going to be set and he's going to wind up in jail," Amendola said.?

Sandusky was initially released on $100,000 unsecured bail, which means he didn't have to post collateral to be freed.

Until the preliminary hearing, prosecutors can seek to have bail modified by the district judge, Lehigh County District Attorney Jim Martin told The Associated Press. After that hearing, bail changes would have to be pursued by a county court petition, he said.

Meantime, Pennsylvania court officials say all the judges in Penn State's home county have removed themselves from potentially presiding over the child sex-abuse case against Sandusky.

The Administrative Office of Pennsylvania Courts announced Tuesday that out-of-county judges have been named to deal with any related court business in the Centre County case.

?The sex-abuse?allegations have stunned Penn State and altered the image of its legendary?college football coach, Joe Paterno, who was ousted amid the scandal.

Hearings for Gary Schultz and Tim Curley, the two former?Penn State administrators accused of failing to properly report suspected abuse and of?perjury before a grand jury, was set for Dec. 6 in the Dauphin County Courthouse in Harrisburg. Both maintain their innocence.



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Tuesday 22 November 2011

PSU taps ex-FBI director Freeh for investigation (AP)

PHILADELPHIA ? Former FBI director Louis Freeh, tapped to lead Penn State's investigation into the child sex-abuse allegations against a former assistant football coach, said his inquiry will go as far back as 1975, a much longer period than a grand jury report issued earlier this month.

Freeh was named Monday to oversee the university board of trustees' internal investigation into the abuse allegations that ultimately led to the ouster of longtime football coach Joe Paterno and university President Graham Spanier.

Freeh said his goal was to conduct a comprehensive, fair and quick review.

Penn State has faced criticism since announcing that its internal investigation would be led by two university trustees, Merck pharmaceutical company CEO Kenneth Frazier and state Education Secretary Ronald Tomalis.

Faculty members on Friday called for an independent investigation of how the university handled abuse allegations, and the faculty senate endorsed a resolution asking for an investigation to be led by a committee whose chair has no links to Penn State.

In announcing Freeh's appointment, Frazier stressed the former FBI director's independence. Freeh will be empowered to investigate employees up to and including the board of trustees itself, Frazier said.

"No one is above scrutiny," Frazier said.

Retired Air Force Col. and astronaut Guion Bluford also will be part of the investigation, Frazier said. Bluford is a 1964 Penn State graduate.

Freeh's investigation firm, Group International Europe, was hired by soccer's governing body this year to look into the bribery case involving FIFA's presidential election. FIFA banned candidate Mohamed bin Hammam for life for bribing voters. The ruling body also banned 11 Caribbean soccer leaders and disciplined others in the corruption scandal.

Freeh founded Group International Europe after leading the FBI from 1993 to 2001. He previously served six years as a special agent.

Former assistant football coach Jerry Sandusky is accused of molesting eight boys over a 15-year period. Authorities say some assaults happened on campus and were reported to administrators but not to police.

Amid the scandal, Penn State's trustees ousted Spanier and Paterno. The trustees said Spanier and Paterno failed to act after a graduate assistant claimed he saw Sandusky sexually abusing a young boy in a campus shower in 2002.

Paterno, who has the most wins of any major college football coach, has conceded he should have done more. Spanier has said he would have reported a crime if he had suspected one had been committed.

Sandusky has said he is innocent. He has acknowledged he showered with boys but said he never molested them.

Former school administrators Tim Curley and Gary Schultz are charged with not properly alerting authorities to suspected abuse and with perjury. They maintain their innocence.


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Monday 14 November 2011

Commercial Space: Spirit of Apollo or Spirit of Solyndra? (ContributorNetwork)

When Andrew Chaikin talks about the spirit of Apollo, people listen. Chaikin, after all, wrote the definitive history of the Apollo program. He has invoked Apollo to weigh in the ongoing debate between commercial space and NASA.

What was Chaikin's premise?

In an oped published in Space News, Chaikin found that the "spirit of Apollo" was not necessarily in NASA's current space exploration program, but rather in the commercial space sector. He finds that the heavy lift Space Launch System is too evocative of the past, whereas innovation, the future, and the hope of space exploration lays in the commercial space firms such as SpaceX.

If this is so, why is Congress so skeptical of commercial space?

It is not, despite what Chaikin suggests, that Congress opposes commercial space. Congress is deeply skeptical about how the current administration is approaching the matter. In a recent hearing before the House Science Committee, Congress seemed to find not so much the spirit of Apollo, but rather the spirit of Solyndra, a commercial space sector too heavily dependent on government subsidies and without any firm private markets. Something cannot be called, strictly speaking, "commercial" if it is financed primarily by the government and services primarily government markets. Furthermore, the commercial crew program is not designed to send people back to the moon, but rather to build a space taxi service to the International Space Station. It is more evocative, therefore, of the "spirit of the space shuttle" than that of Apollo.

But what about Chaikin's criticism that the Space Launch System is too expensive?

This is a criticism often advanced by proponents of commercial space. But former NASA administrator Mike Griffin and Scott Pace, formally of NASA and both champions of commercial space, recently made a compelling case that of all the alternatives, ones involving a heavy lift rocket is the least expensive if one proposed to venture beyond low Earth orbit.

So Chaikin is just all wet and the tried and true is really Apollo?

Not necessarily. There are a number of schemes that marry the strengths of the NASA Apollo model and commercial space, properly understood. The Nautilus-X scheme, involving a space station at a Lagrange point, and a plan advanced by Paul Spudis, a lunar geologist and advocate for a return to the Moon, and Tony Lavoie of NASA's Marshal Spaceflight Center uses both big heavy lift and commercial space craft to return to the Moon, this time on a more permanent basis.

So the argument of NASA vs. commercial space is a phony one?

Just like the argument of humans vs, robots and moon vs, asteroids vs. Mars. There is a role for both to play in an integrated effort to move humankind beyond low Earth orbit. It is not exactly the spirit of Apollo, which suggests a singular, but limited goal (i.e. send a man to the moon and return him safely to the Earth before this decade is out) but rather something new. Call it, if one wills, the spirit of the Children of Apollo, to invoke the title of a well known book about space.

Mark R. Whittington is the author of Children of Apollo and The Last Moonwalker. He has written on space subjects for a variety of periodicals, including The Houston Chronicle, The Washington Post, USA Today, the L.A. Times and The Weekly Standard.


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