Tuesday 23 July 2013

No.5781 chiang mai sarapee nong phueng land for sale area of 200 ...

Thailand classified ads


no.5781 Chiang mai Sarapee Nong Phueng Land for sale area of 200 sq wah

no.5781 Chiang mai Sarapee Nong Phueng Land for sale area of 200 sq wah.
sarapee Mai Chiang Mai Nong Phueng - Saraphi the old 200 square wah price for sale 1,500,000 THB. Transfer half.

for more information please inform the id [no ]
of the property and leave your phone number
for convenience and speed of contact or send us email is the best thank you.

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Source: http://classifieds.thaivisa.com/real-estate/land-for-rent-or-sale/no-5781-chiang-mai-sarapee-nong-phueng-land-for-sale-area-of-200-sq-wah-233825.html

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Monday 22 July 2013

Who Is Baltimore?s Best Sports Podcast

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Source: http://baltimoresportsreport.com/who-is-baltimores-best-sports-podcast-42543.html?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=who-is-baltimores-best-sports-podcast

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Vaccinating boys plays key role in HPV prevention

[unable to retrieve full-text content]Improving vaccination rates against the human papillomavirus (HPV) in boys is key to protecting both men and women, says new research. HPV has been linked to anal, penile and certain types of throat cancers in men. Since the virus is also responsible for various cancers in women, vaccinating boys aged 11 to 21 will play a crucial role in reducing cancer rates across the sexes.

Source: http://feeds.sciencedaily.com/~r/sciencedaily/top_news/~3/HuJxWhXlVgE/130722203039.htm

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Taylor Swift Security Did NOT Fight Locals Over Fourth of July Parade, Despite Report

Truth rating: 0

Taylor Swift

(Getty Images)

RadarOnline is wrong ? yet again ? about Taylor Swift.

The outlet seems to have serious accuracy problems when it comes to reporting on Swift and property, and the trend continues with a new story claiming the security team at the singer?s Rhode Island residence complained to authorities about the local Fourth of July parade.

?Tensions are running high between Taylor?s security team and volunteers for the East Beach Association,? a source tells RadarOnline.

The supposed insider explains, ?At the Fourth of July parade, some of the guards accused some of the EBA kids of ?pelting? them with candy but they were just passing it out. It was a parade!?

?The guards got super pissy and called the supervisors of the whole program to complain about it,? alleges the RadarOnline source. ?It?s the silliest thing I?ve ever heard!?

Um, this is silly, alright, because RadarOnline?s report is completely off base.

First, isn?t it weird how this alleged parade feud is only being mentioned more than two weeks after it supposedly happened?

More importantly, as part of her well-docmented Fourth of July celebration, Swift and her friends actually watched and enjoyed?the parade from her balcony, a source close to the situation informs Gossip Cop.

We?re told the RadarOnline report about supposed trouble between Swift?s team and the locals is totally ?not true.?

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Source: http://www.gossipcop.com/taylor-swift-guards-fourth-of-july-parade-fight-security/

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'Story of resilience': Aurora pays homage to shooting victims

Coloradans paid tribute to the victims of the Aurora movie theater massacre with a city-sponsored "Day of Remembrance" marking the one-year anniversary of the shooting on Saturday. NBC's Rehema Ellis reports.

By Becky Bratu, Staff Writer, NBC News

Coloradans paid tribute to the victims of the Aurora movie theater massacre with a city-sponsored "Day of Remembrance" marking the one-year anniversary of the shooting on Saturday.

The day?s events began early with a community gathering on the lawn of the Aurora Municipal Center.

Twelve people between the ages of six and 51 died in the attack and dozens more were shot when James Holmes allegedly opened fire at a midnight movie showing.?

Early Saturday, Aurora police paused for a moment of silence on their radio scanners at 12:38 a.m., the exact time the shootings took place, NBC station KUSA reported. The moment of silence lasted for 38 seconds.

Survivors joined parents and siblings of those killed at a morning ceremony outside Aurora's city hall. Several hundred people bowed their heads as the names of the dead were read by?Mayor Steve Hogan?and Gov. John Hickenlooper, The Associated Press reported. A small bell tolled after each name.

Dana Romanoff / Getty Images

Stephanie Wacker, 18, attends a remembrance ceremony July 20, 2013 in Aurora, Colo.

"One year ago, the peace of our community was shattered," Hogan said, according to the AP. "We are still seeking justice."

"It is important for us to remember that one senseless act does not, cannot and will not define us as a community," Hogan added. "This is a story of resilience, not just of Aurora but of humankind."?

"As we remember, we go forward," Hickenlooper said, according to The Denver Post.?

A local pastor offered a community prayer, while the Hinkley High School choir sang ?Amazing Grace,? KDVR reported. Tears streamed down the faces of those is attendance.

Jessica Almand told the Post she was at the movies the night of July 20, 2012. She said she had come to the memorial ceremony to pay tribute to those killed but also to show her resilience. ?

"But I'm here to show everyone I'm still strong, and to remember everyone who died," she told the newspaper.

Gatherings and community service projects were planned throughout the city following the ceremony, the Post reported.

Dana Romanoff / Getty Images

Community members gather at a remembrance ceremony July 20, 2013 in Aurora, Colo.

The Associated Press contributed to this report.?


Source: http://feeds.nbcnews.com/c/35002/f/663306/s/2ef02a4e/l/0Lusnews0Bnbcnews0N0C0Inews0C20A130C0A70C20A0C19584490A0Estory0Eof0Eresilience0Eaurora0Epays0Ehomage0Eto0Eshooting0Evictims0Dlite/story01.htm

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Blacks benefit from Florida ?Stand Your Ground? law at disproportionate rate

Come on Trayvon supports, we want to see you spin this. The numbers don't lie, but it is a fact the Trayvon supporters do lie.

This is a comment from one of the articles:

According to the Tampa Bay Times database the raw data comes from, there were 11 cases where a white person shot a black person and claimed justification under SYG. The breakdown of those 11 cases is :

2 Convicted

8 Acquitted

1 Pending

The numbers for a black person shooting a white person (also 11 cases) are virtually identical:

3 Convicted

8 Acquitted

In fact, the only difference is that one of the white/black cases has yet to be decided. If that one gets convicted, the numbers will be exactly identical.


Now we see that there was NOTHING extraordinary about defense attorney Mark O'Mara noting that had Zimmerman been black there would have been no show trial.

And another case:

Victim Patrick Lavoie
White Male
33 Years

Killer Cleveland Murdock
Black Male
38 Years
Armed with a Gun

Location Details
Defendant's car in Pompano Beach, Broward County, on Sept. 15, 2010

What Happened
Patrick Lavoie, a passenger in his girlfriend's Honda Civic, felt Cleveland Murdock was
tailgating them as they drove in Pompano Beach. Lavoie told his girlfriend to
stop the car, then he jumped out and angrily approached Murdock's black Toyota
Tacoma truck. When Lavoie, who had a cigarette lighter in his hand, tried to
reach through Murdock's passenger window Murdock shot and killed him. Murdock
had a concealed weapons permit.

The Outcome
The Broward County Sheriff's Office spoke with witnesses and interrogated Murdock, then let him go, turning the case over to prosecutors to decide if murder charges were
warranted. In November 2010, a grand jury decided no charges would be filed.

Source: http://www.politicalforum.com/zimmerman/312858-blacks-benefit-florida-stand-your-ground-law-disproportionate-rate-new-post.html

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Sunday 21 July 2013

Israel's deepest well targets 1.5B barrels of crude

(Bloomberg Businessweek) The deepest oil well drilled in Israel?s 65-year history may be the most important.

Houston?s Noble Energy Inc. (NBL:US) will probe 6,500 meters (4 miles) below the Mediterranean seabed later this year, targeting as much as 1.5 billion barrels of crude, equal to about 15 years of Israeli demand.

While explorers have found enough natural gas in the past five years to turn Israel into an exporter, a major oil discovery would break new ground. The Middle East?s third-largest economy spends about $10 billion a year importing 98 percent of the oil it uses. Domestic production would increase tax revenue, boost the country?s balance of payments and reduce vulnerability to supply disruptions.

Source: http://www.wnd.com/2013/07/israels-deepest-well-targets-1-5b-barrels-of-crude/

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